“The reason why Basic Finn politicians say almost nothing critical about this is that they share much of the same ideology as these terrorists. Both are part of Finland's far right, the terrorists the acceleration wing and the Finns the parliamentary wing.” - Iikka Kivi.
#terrorism #farRight #cabinetOfHorrors #farRightTerrorism #finland #politics #naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #farRightGovernment #basicFinnNazis #lahtiTerrorist #terrorismInFinland
#terrorism #farright #cabinetofhorrors #farrightterrorism #finland #politics #nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #farrightgovernment #basicfinnnazis #lahtiterrorist #terrorisminfinland
“The reason why Basic Finn politicians say almost nothing critical about this is that they share much of the same ideology as these terrorists. Both are part of Finland's far right, the terrorists the axialist wing and the Finns the parliamentary wing.” - Iikka Kivi.
#terrorism #farRight #cabinetOfHorrors #farRightTerrorism #finland #politics #naziJokeGovernment #politicsFI #farRightGovernment #basicFinnNazis #lahtiTerrorist #terrorismInFinland
#terrorism #farright #cabinetofhorrors #farrightterrorism #finland #politics #nazijokegovernment #politicsfi #farrightgovernment #basicfinnnazis #lahtiterrorist #terrorisminfinland
National Coalition Party, in which both the Prime minister Petteri Orpo and president Sauli Niinistö resign, has become somewhat inseparable with the Basic Finn nazis.
Some of us that is not a surprise since we’ve called NCP “cravat-basic finns” for a while now.
To some it is still a great surprise, even as Nazi-Germany teaches that the “economic right” needs the support of the “far-right” and that the end results are catastrophic. #politics #politicsFI #naziJokeGovernment #rightWingPolitics
#politics #politicsfi #nazijokegovernment #rightwingpolitics
“The whole bill for balancing the public finances is being sent to the already hardest hit in society. It's just a choice made by a government that cares about the strong, a brutal one.”
MP Li Andersson (LA).
#naziJokeGovernment #thatcherism #welfareCuts #politics #politicsFI #finland #cabinetOfHorrors #rightWingPolitics #austerity
#nazijokegovernment #thatcherism #welfarecuts #politics #politicsfi #finland #cabinetofhorrors #rightwingpolitics #austerity
All that is essential to understand about the labour rights in the governments programme is this:
it is meant to crush the labour movement and unions while cementing the pay gap between genders. Its not the claimed “nordic model” it is the american “work 3 jobs = have no money = no rights” model.
#naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #finland #generalStrike #LabourMovement #unions
#nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #finland #generalstrike #labourmovement #unions
what the nazi-joke-government claims to be doing: making Finland seem like a good place for international top experts on every field imaginable.
what the nazi-joke-government is actually doing: tarnishing Finlands reputation as a stable civilised nation, making it seem much less desirable country to move into even for the international top experts.
#naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #finland #racism #rightWingPolitics #fascism
#nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #finland #racism #rightwingpolitics #fascism
This weekend alone has 5 antigovernment protests in different cities.
Majority of the parliament is living on a different reality then the rest of us.
which can also be seen demonstrated in these “money saving tips” given by MPs to those whose social benefits are being cut.. (picture.)
#antiGovernment #welfare #welfareCuts #antiGovernmentProtest #finland #politicsFI #politics #racism #fascism againstRacism #naziJokeGovernment
#antigovernment #welfare #welfarecuts #antigovernmentprotest #finland #politicsfi #politics #racism #fascism #nazijokegovernment
Here’s how the parliament voted.
Fucking disgrace. Only The Green League, SDP and Left Alliance united against racism and fascism. Only MPs who’re not white (3) sit there.
BF nazis, NCP, CD, SPP and Movement now voted yes to fascism, racism and violence.
The Centre Party voted “empty” bc they felt that the piece of shit “equality paper” was so fantastic.
#whiteSilence #SilenceIsComplicity #naziJokeGovernment #riseOfFascism #politics #politicsFi #finland #racismInFinland #racism #fascism
#whitesilence #silenceiscomplicity #nazijokegovernment #riseoffascism #politics #politicsfi #finland #racisminfinland #racism #fascism
Here’s how the parliament voted.
Fucking disgrace. Only The Green League, SDP and Left Alliance united against racism and fascism. Only MPs who’re not white (3) sit there.
BF nazis, NCP, CD, SPP and Movement now voted yes to fascism, racism and violence.
The Centre Party voted “empty” bc they felt that the piece of shit “equality paper” was so fantastic.
#whiteSilence #SilenceIsComplicity #naziJokeGovernment #riseOfFascism #politics #politicsFi #finland #racismInFinland #racism #fascism
#whitesilence #silenceiscomplicity #nazijokegovernment #riseoffascism #politics #politicsfi #finland #racisminfinland #racism #fascism
So the next time you hear someone say “there’s no racism in the government programme”, you can shove all of this into their face.
too many finns seem to think racism is only angry words, direct violence and slurs so they have (intentionally or not) difficulty seeing a “proper” talk like this as racism.
such as they don’t understand that Halla-aho is a power abusing fascist because he talks calmly and uses proper grammar. #naziJokeGovernment #fascism #politics #politicsFI #finland #racism
#nazijokegovernment #fascism #politics #politicsfi #finland #racism
The Centre party voted “empty” in the confidence vote for the fascist and racist government.
We have a saying here, especially for situations like this. It’s “kepu pettää aina” = central always betrays.
#racismInFinland #antiRacism #politics #politicsFI #finland #naziJokeFinland #fascism #naziJokeGoverment
#racisminfinland #antiracism #politics #politicsfi #finland #nazijokefinland #fascism #nazijokegoverment
more antigovernment street art seen in Finland. #politics #politicsFI #streetArt #politicalArt #finland #racism #fascim #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokePrimeMinister #naziJokeNcP
#politics #politicsfi #streetart #politicalart #finland #racism #fascim #nazijokegovernment #nazijokeprimeminister #nazijokencp
“Finland's right-wing government, 2 ministers survive confidence votes.
The separate confidence votes were related to the ministers' past racist comments and the government's handling of the matter.”
#naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFI #nazis #fascism #confidenceVote #finland #riseOfFascism #racism #racismInFinland
#nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #nazis #fascism #confidencevote #finland #riseoffascism #racism #racisminfinland
this is fucking absurd honestly.
yesterday a Basic Finn nazi PM held a 4 minute speech in which he used the fucking n-slur multiple times.
speaker of parliament has his fascist, racist, homophobic manifesto blog linked to his txitter account and he calls to prosecute communists.
today seems its all rosy farts, baby giggles and rainbows as “the equality statement” washed the government clear of everything.
#hearNoEvilSeeNoEvil #naziJokeGovernment #riseOfFascism #fascism #politicsFI #finland
#hearnoevilseenoevil #nazijokegovernment #riseoffascism #fascism #politicsfi #finland
Like so often happens, this time too the expectations (or explanations) of right-wing politicians are completely separated from the actual reality.
Idk how in the hell would “you cannot make A DIME without it lowering your benefits” would encourage someone to try and find work. especially part-time.
#naziJokeGovernment #reform #defunding #politics #politicsFI #welfare #welfareDefund #socialBenefits #finland #thatcherism #rightWingPolitics
#nazijokegovernment #reform #defunding #politics #politicsfi #welfare #welfaredefund #socialbenefits #finland #thatcherism #rightwingpolitics
Back to racist Basic Finn Keskisarja: https://piipitin.fi/@whangdoodler/111023434240011209
PM Orpo remains spineless.
Halla-aho remains a fascist.
Purra stands by her racist little nazi warriors.
This is so fucking absurd. Anyone who doesn’t vote “No Confidence” tomorrow is either clueless fucker who has no business deciding anything or fascist piece of shits waiting how they themselves can benefit from this situation.
#fuckNazis #naziJokeGovernment #politics #politicsFi #confidenceVote #finland #nSlur #racism
#fucknazis #nazijokegovernment #politics #politicsfi #confidencevote #finland #nslur #racism
why do i trust politicians like Li Andersson (Left Alliance) more than these right-wing-fuckers?
Because shit like this keeps happening. Usually I myself, an unemployed, low educated, autistic queer person with depression and somatic illness who can barely stay on top of housework but happens to read a lot, knows when they are lying. Which is, unsurprisingly, almost every-time they open their mouths.
#rightWingPolitics #finland #layOffs #healthCare #politics #politicsFI #naziJokeGovernment
#rightwingpolitics #finland #layoffs #healthcare #politics #politicsfi #nazijokegovernment
it’s the same banner we already went through here: https://piipitin.fi/@whangdoodler/111011764385489061
poor in taste maybe, but not unseen in the history of finnish protests, especially those that are aimed towards inhumane defund (leikkaus = to cut) politics.
here’s one example from protests agains the last right-wing government and its defund campaings (that pale in comparison to Orpo).
only difference is that now fascist can specify in national media, how it is okay to protest them. #naziScum #finland #politicsFI
#naziscum #finland #politicsfi
Lets talk a little about position of speaker of parliament and Jussi Halla-aho, nazi-manifesto writing, mass murder inspiring fascist scum who ridicules democracy, wants to shoot gay people, despises EU and wants Finland to have their own Brexit…
well he is a nazi scum in a position of power, rules and trust. he took the power and threw rest out of the window. the end.
10 to 20 000 finns marched against racism. that one banner is his focal point. #politicsFI #finland #hateSpeakerOfParliament
#politicsfi #finland #hatespeakerofparliament
new inhumane policies.
If you have fled from a war torn country not just once but twice, fuck you and your family, says the nazi government of Petteri Orpo (NCP). #refugees #naziJokeGovernment #politics #rightWingPolitics #politicsFI #finland #racism #racismInFinland
#refugees #nazijokegovernment #politics #rightwingpolitics #politicsfi #finland #racism #racisminfinland