@feld @mekkaokereke @carnage4life #LackOfAccountability and #LackOfConsequences are the core issues we're facing.
#WhatYouAllowIsWhatWillContinue applies espechally to #Politricks!
#politricks #whatyouallowiswhatwillcontinue #lackofconsequences #lackofaccountability
@ceracole that's because politican's existance and quality of life is not dependent on making the lives of citizens better but only keeping the majority of keys to power loyal...
Because that's how #Politricks work...
@NefariousAryq #LyingWithNumbers works well in #Politricks, because if #Cops want to find a reason to bust someone, they'll make one up on the spot.
Like dropping some stuff in someone's car or toilet or trashcan to justify jailing someone.
It's not as if cops can't get their hands on criminalized merchanise to make up a victimless crime and brutalize someone!
#cops #politricks #LyingWithNumbers
@JessTheUnstill Money, what else?
#Politricks in the #USA is so paywalled that it's basiclaly not a #Democracy but #Cleptocracy and noone in #Politics can candidate without appeasing to masses of rich donors.
#BigDonors are why #Biden and not #Sanders is #POTUS, not their platforms!
#potus #sanders #Biden #bigdonors #Politics #cleptocracy #Democracy #USA #politricks
But the #ModiOperandi won't affect the #decisionmakers in #economy and #politricks, thus it'll only piss off #WageWorkers and make them support #facism and #PoliceViolence due to inconvenience.
If you want change, you'll have to force those that can enforce it to change.
Otherwise it's just divisionism instead of successful intersectionalism...
#policeviolence #facism #wageworkers #politricks #Economy #decisionmakers #modioperandi
There is no #Refuge in #politricks or #politicians --if they were a source of refuge, why is there unending #war?
#refuge #politricks #politicians #war