Finished reading Jack Four by Neal Asher 4/5
Set in Asher's Polity Universe, Jack Four is one of 20 human clones due to be sold to the Prador for their experimentation programme intended to give them an edge in their quest for supremacy. But Jack Four is different and comes with a surpise for the Prador and those that trade in human slaves to them.
#sciencefiction #scifi #books #ebooks #reading #polityuniverse
#polityuniverse #reading #ebooks #books #scifi #sciencefiction
Currently reading my way through the #PolityUniverse meta-series by #NealAsher at the moment I'm in #TheSoldier
Also, had a quick visit from Madison who enjoyed herself almost crawling on the floor after a bright yellow Duplo boat. She's not quite got the hang of it, and finds it easier to move backwards (:*
She also had a go on a see-saw and swing, and tried the grass, almost got a mouthful at one point (;*
#polityuniverse #nealasher #thesoldier