Today, Gordon Castle walled garden💙 #anisehyssop #helenium #achillea #coreopsis #perennials #pollinatorfriendlyplants #pollinatorfriendly #sunmerblooms #gordoncastlewalledgarden #fochabers #moray
#moray #fochabers #gordoncastlewalledgarden #sunmerblooms #pollinatorfriendly #pollinatorfriendlyplants #perennials #coreopsis #achillea #helenium #anisehyssop
An update on my clover infatuation. It is filling in and looking lush! I am so thrilled, and in love with this “lawn” every time I walk out the back door and gaze upon my emerald field ❤️❤️❤️
#clover #emeraldgreen #pollinatorfriendly #environmentallyfriendly #droughtresistant
My pollination station is a hit with both the locals and the passerbys. 🦋🐝🦗
#pollination #savethebees #pollinators #nature #flowers #pollinator #insects #pollen #insect #naturelovers #savebees #savethemonarchs #pollinatorgarden #pollinatorfriendly #pollinationstation #garden #flowergarden #moth
#pollination #savethebees #pollinators #nature #flowers #pollinator #insects #pollen #insect #naturelovers #savebees #savethemonarchs #pollinatorgarden #pollinatorfriendly #pollinationstation #garden #flowergarden #moth
A chocolate sunflower stands out against so the other yellows in my #pollinatorgarden 🖤🐦⬛ I love her.
#sunflower #garden #gardening #therapy #pollinatorfriendly
#pollinatorgarden #sunflower #garden #gardening #therapy #pollinatorfriendly
Under the theme “Bee engaged in pollinator-friendly agricultural production”, #WorldBeeDay2023 calls for global action to support pollinator-friendly agricultural production and highlights the importance of protecting bees and other pollinators, particularly through evidence-based agricultural production practices.
#polinators #beelove #pollinatorfriendly #beelife #pollinators #beesarelife #lovebees #ilovebees #bees
#worldbeeday2023 #polinators #beelove #pollinatorfriendly #beelife #pollinators #beesarelife #lovebees #ilovebees #bees
If you don't want or are unable to let all your grass grow for #nomowmay, you can leave a significant area uncut instead
And, you can still take the No Mow pledge. You can pledge to cut infrequently, not cut for a month or more, or not at all for the rest of the summer or until late Autumn, wherever you are in the world, below ⬇️
#ExtinctionCrisis #PollinatorFriendly #lifematters
#lifematters #pollinatorfriendly #ExtinctionCrisis #nomowmay
I can never resist pulling the ‘hats’ off of CA Poppies. Anyone else? 😂
#CANativePlants #pollinatorfriendly #flowers #gardening @plants
#canativeplants #pollinatorfriendly #flowers #gardening
The favorite flower (when there aren’t sunflowers) of the bees in my yard is hands down, Lavender 💜
What are the bee favorites in your yard?
#pollinators #pollinatorfriendly #savethebees #flowers #gardening
#pollinators #pollinatorfriendly #savethebees #flowers #gardening
I'm awaiting delivery of 2 new to me #hosta variety clumps. They're #white & #yellow #FeatherHostas 👍👩🌾
#zone8 #flowers #EdiblePlants #GrowItEatIt #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #PlantAGarden #FoodSecurity #EdibleOrnamentals #PollinatorFriendly #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #YYJgardeners #FoodGarden #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #Gardening #GrowPlantsNotHate #Edible #plants
#hosta #white #yellow #featherhostas #zone8 #flowers #edibleplants #growiteatit #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #plantagarden #foodsecurity #edibleornamentals #pollinatorfriendly #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyjgardeners #foodgarden #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #gardening #growplantsnothate #edible #plants
@evelyntheriault Bonjour, Evelyn. The commitment to create more #PollinatorFriendly patches at home is definitely growing everywhere. I had never seen a hummingbird around my area until last summer! I hope to keep attracting more solitary bees.
I’m looking into perenniel veg. Are you growing any?
@codedude Admittedly taken last year as I didn’t take another photo this year. It’s the “nook”. Here, facing west when the sunset light hits just right. Solitary bee “bee’n’bee” faces east to the morning’s warming. #gardening #PollinatorFriendly
#gardening #pollinatorfriendly