#Texas lawmaker proposes bill to prohibit #PollingPlaces at #colleges
Texas state Representative #CarrieIsaac (R) introduced the proposal on Thursday to prevent all counties in the state from designating a polling place location on the campus of an institution of higher education.
If passed, the bill would take effect September 1.
#Voting #Education #VoterSuppression
#texas #pollingplaces #colleges #carrieisaac #voting #education #votersuppression
Why does the #election results use relative percentages rather than absolute percentage of the voting population? #PollingPlaces #Politics
#election #pollingplaces #politics
Americans’ Fears are Suppressing Participation in the Democratic Process - #GlobalProjectAgainstHateAndExtremism
New GPAHE poll shows Americans, especially Black, Hispanic, and young people, are very concerned with safety at #pollingplaces.
#GlobalProjectAgainstHateAndExtremism #pollingplaces