Arguably #localcouncils never recovered fully from the shock of World war two - but they did remain significant players until at least the #thatcher years. Ironically #thatcher seems to have thought her approach might help to restore them and certainly some of the measures she put in place did improve their performance and probity (ironically these tended to be the ones scrapped by later governments!). However the #polltax debacle put paid to any hope of recovery by them.
#localcouncils #thatcher #polltax
In the post this morning...
1. A #CouncilTax (aka #PollTax) bill for the year ahead, with a 5.1% increase to £2631.70. Thanks, #Hertfordshire!
2. The bollocks attached, telling us that we now need #PhotoID to vote.
My own vote, in both local and parliamentary elections, is utterly wasted given that we are surrounded by the Tory-voting waking dead. Yet off I dutifully go to the polling station.
#counciltax #polltax #hertfordshire #photoid
[1990] The Thatcher Interview - Following the introduction of the Poll Tax in Scotland and shortly before the poll tax riots in England, Mrs Thatcher belatedly attempts to convince the people of Scotland that she is on their side.
#OldBritishTelly #polltax #thatcher
Die #Kopfsteuer, die #Thatcher Anfang der 1990er in #UK einführte, war trotz Ermäßigungen für Arme ein Schlag gegen #SozialeGerechtigkeit & belegte einmal mehr die exkludierende #Klassengesellschaft in #GB
When you hear the name "Margaret Thatcher’ what's the first thing that comes to mind?
#polltax #kopfsteuer #thatcher #uk #sozialegerechtigkeit #klassengesellschaft #gb
I would tend to disagree. Surely it is a matter of size?
If the Nation came out on strike - or even a large proportion, like with #PollTax - then this would work.
The problem, as I see it, is that most people would 'support' such an action, but from the safety of their sofas.
But, I can dream, can't I?
@adambienkov Nah, the competition from the rest of his shitshow cartel over the decades is way too strong.
#Windrush #righttobuy #Falklandswar #polltax #decimationofindustry #marketeconomyboomandbust #waronbenefitclaimants #smearcampaigns #nepotism #Corruption #torysleaze #brexit #partygate #sexualharassment #Sexualassault #bullying