As a former #PollWorker, it is fascinating that #KingCounty #Seattle does their elections (or at least tomorrow’s primary?) 100% by mail-in ballots and ballot boxes. I was hoping to volunteer as a worker for some future election again - clearly it’ll have to be in another capacity!
Shout-out to #AlleghenyCounty + #Pittsburgh for helping me catch the civic-duty bug! I miss the old polling place where I worked several elections that was LITERALLY THE GARAGE OF A DUDE’S HOUSE.
#pollworker #kingcounty #seattle #alleghenycounty #pittsburgh
My client for the rest of today is the people of Arlington County, Va. #vote #pollworker
A Republican poll worker charged with violating election law admitted he used a personal flash drive to export the electronic poll book at a Michigan precinct
#Michigan #Republican #PollWorker #DataExfiltration #USBFlashDrive #ElectionLaw
#michigan #republican #pollworker #dataexfiltration #usbflashdrive #electionlaw
I have been a poll worker, usually a supervisor, here in San Bernardino County, CA for many years (at least an election or two pre-tfg). It’s obvious who the Radical Republicans are—lots of suspicion of the process, upset that we are not requiring photo ID, not following the actual rules because they apparently don’t apply to them… Otherwise it’s been a rewarding experience.
making #anadama #bread after first hearing of it from a fellow #pollworker at the recent election 🗳️➿🍞
Election Day № 11 in the books. Almost. Last step: wait in line to turn in stuff. #pollworker
Worked a local polling place today. I'm now home after a successful, fun election day. The process in my area is so well run, even when things seem weird, everything turns out okay.
Get involved, if you can, with working an election. If "politics aren't your thing" being a poll worker is fairly non-political. For information about how to volunteer, check your Secretary of State's website.
Hi! I’m a #PollWorker in my town. Not the kind at the polling places; I’m at city hall, helping to count mail-in and write-in votes. Gonna talk about that today for the curious! Bonus: I didn’t have to get up at early o’dark; my shift starts at 1pm, because we can’t finish until after polls close. Almost ready to rock.
Was feeling pretty cocky about today’s election but got three last minute cancellations from my precinct team, including the experienced assistant manager. What could possibly go wrong?
In training to be a #PollWorker for the 1st time in Tuesday’s midterm election. Pretty exciting! A critical election. So many voters, each with their singular life situation (change of address, change of name, military ID, the one with the expired driver’s license, etc.). So much to know! The voting part is easy, so you have no excuse. VOTE, Y'ALL!
Argh. missed a beat here. They failed to mention that Mr. Wait NEVER RECEIVED the ballots that he fraudulently requested.
Why? Because election security identified the fraud & prevented it.👍
It's National Poll Worker Recruitment Day! Spread the word and get involved in your community. Contact your County Election Board
Learn more at:
#Oklahoma #OKVotes #okvotes2020 #pollworker