Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: Moms for Liberty Speaker Says It's Time to Start Re-Reading Hitler, Stalin, & Mao #Jezebel #adolfhitlerinpopularculture #worldwariiinpopularculture #antisemitismingermany #momsforliberty #markrobinson #donaldtrump #josefstalin #adolfhitler #paigemiller #robinson #polpot #castro #mao
#jezebel #adolfhitlerinpopularculture #worldwariiinpopularculture #antisemitismingermany #MomsForLiberty #markrobinson #donaldtrump #JosefStalin #adolfhitler #paigemiller #Robinson #polpot #castro #mao
@dans_root One who supports communist dictatorships just because they aren't capitalist. This often entails denying the oppression and genocide in the #USSR and #PRC. The hardcore tankies also support #NorthKorea and deny anything bad ever happens there. The truly loonie ones think #PolPot was a goodie.
#ussr #prc #northkorea #polpot
Wissenschaftliche Betrachtung der Welt
Undead Network arbeitet sehr viel mit ausgesuchten Universitäten und Exzellenz Clustern zusammen. In einer langweiligen Studie, die zusammen mit dem Varg-Vikernes-Institut und der Pol-Pot Universität erstellt wurde, kommen wir zu folgendem Ergebnis.
#cramps #fuckpeople #polpot #VargVikernes #wissenschaft
#wissenschaft #vargvikernes #polpot #fuckpeople #cramps
Wissenschaftliche Betrachtung der Welt
Undead Network arbeitet sehr viel mit ausgesuchten Universitäten und Exzellenz Clustern zusammen. In einer langweiligen Studie, die zusammen mit dem Varg-Vikernes-Instidut und der Pol-Pot Universität erstellt wurde, kommen wir zu folgendem Ergebnis.
#cramps #fuckpeople #polpot #VargVikernes #wissenschaft
#wissenschaft #vargvikernes #polpot #fuckpeople #cramps
🇩🇪 Wikipedia Outre-Rhin ?
1. Pol Pot #PolPot
2. Ludwig Prinz von Bayern #LudwigPrinzVonBayern
3. Anna Ermakova #AnnaErmakova
#polpot #ludwigprinzvonbayern #annaermakova
Today in Labor History April 15, 1998: Cambodian dictator Pol Pot died on this day. Under his rule, the Khmer Rouge committed genocide, killing 2-3 million Cambodians, or 25% of the population.
#WorkingClass #LaborHistory #genocide #cambodia #PolPot #KillingFields #KhmerRouge
#killingfields #khmerrouge #workingclass #LaborHistory #genocide #cambodia #polpot
Trotz allem, „nur ein toter Diktator ist ein guter Diktator“ #PolPot #Kambodscha
Pointing out the war crimes of #JimmyCarter is a good way to see how liberals like to ignore inconvenient truths as much as conservatives. They'll jump straight to "the left is never satisfied" or "something something Mugabe was evil too."
Meanwhile I've seen people saying things like "Carter fought hard for democracy globally" without the slightest hint of irony. Historical facts don't seem to mean much in the face of sentiments like "Bad at politics, good human, built homes."
It's important to recognize that Carter may have been better than presidents like Reagan, but he was still responsible for abhorrent crimes in service of capitalist imperialism.
#USPresident #WarCrimes #Imperialism #Capitalism #Nicaragua #EastTimor #Mujahedeen #PolPot
#jimmycarter #uspresident #warcrimes #imperialism #capitalism #Nicaragua #EastTimor #Mujahedeen #polpot
Nate Thayer, a fearless reporter
He scored an interview with Pol Pot
He chased scoops worldwide
But his life has been tied
His legacy will never be forgot
#natethayer #polpot #journalism #legacy #limerick #poetry
#natethayer #legacy #limerick #poetry #polpot #journalism
Today in Labor History January 7, 1979: Vietnamese troops conquered Phnom Penh, Cambodia and drove out Pol Pot and the Khmer Rouge. 18,000-25,000 Vietnamese died in their war with Cambodia. Well over 50,000 Cambodians died in the conflict. 200,000 Cambodian civilians also died, not counting those who starved to death. However, under Pol Pot’s genocidal rule, 1.5-2 million civilians were killed or died of starvation. This amounts to 25% of the country’s entire population at the time.
#cambodia #khmerrouge #polpot #vietnam #killingfields #genocide #communism
#cambodia #khmerrouge #polpot #vietnam #killingfields #genocide #communism
Nate Thayer, reporter who interviewed Pol Pot, dies
#NateThayer #PolPot #Cambodia
just the news you need, in seconds
Discussions of genocide inevitably evolve into discussions about the nature of human evil. I find that usually most people deflect to trying to figure out what unique genetics or environmental influence turns someone into a sociopathic, genocidal monster. And that's always barking up the wrong tree.
Any attempt to explain genocide in terms of a particular culture doesn't explain why genocides have happened all over the world. Different cultures, different time periods, different history, different environments. The killing hasn't stopped since World War II.
And it was going on before that as well. The Armenian genocide took place in 1915.
At least a dozen countries during the past 50 years have gone through spasms of slaughter sometimes running into the millions. The #Holocaust and the Chinese cultural revolution were particularly egregious examples, but it didn't end there. It's never ended.
The common thread that underpins all genocide is power--without checks and balances.
There's a very strong impulse to "other" the perpetrators of genocide. To pretend that they are somehow categorically different from the rest of us.
There's a quote from Alexander #Solzhenitsyn, paraphrasing: "The line between good and evil cuts through everyone's heart, and who is willing to destroy a piece of their own heart?"
The same evil lives in every one of us. That's the sad fact of human existence. We may think of ourselves as being so much better than a #Hitler or a #PolPot, but we're not.
The vast majority of us don't have the power to do great evil, and we are also bound by the law. So we've never really faced that temptation, to snuff out political enemies or people we just don't like.
Hypothetical thought experiment:
Imagine that all of those rules of civilization are gone, and you have the power over life and death. Wouldn't you be tempted to eliminate the people who you believed were causing the destruction of society and the Earth? Like #capitalist scumbags, fossil fuel profiteers, propagandists, and MAGAts destroying the fabric of our society?
Don't answer that. We know the answer. The temptation would be overwhelming.
Saving billions of lives by eliminating a few evil characters who are wrecking the climate, seems like a no-brainer. The destroyers of the Earth have names and addresses. But it never stops there.
If you have the power to "eliminate evil" by scapegoating and then taking lives, a lot of people would do it. And then the killing inevitably grows in scope.
The genocide-enabling belief is that for whatever reason, *killing is justified.* Once you have that justification, all bets are off, and blood flows like a river.
That's why we need ironclad rule of law and accountability, worldwide. Without it, nothing stops mass murder.
#holocaust #solzhenitsyn #hitler #polpot #capitalist #genocide #ruleoflaw #civilization
Joseph Ball (a veteran apologist of #Mao and #PolPot - back in 2010 ran defense for Grover Furr citing a distorted version of an 'interview' with Hajime Sugiyama - #Japan's Minister of War in 1937. An alleged statement that "In #Russia there exist elements in opposition to the present government and it is through them that we know" was altered to say "the Trotskyist elements in the Soviet Union".
#Stalinapologetics #Stalin
#mao #polpot #japan #russia #stalinapologetics #stalin
Joseph Ball (a veteran apologist of #Mao and #PolPot - back in 2010 ran defense for Grover Furr citing a distorted version of an 'interview' with Hajime Sugiyama - #Japan's Minister of War in 1937. An alleged statement that "In #Russia there exist elements in opposition to the present government and it is through them that we know" was altered to say "the Trotskyist elements in the Soviet Union".
#Stalinapologetics #Stalin
#mao #polpot #japan #russia #stalinapologetics #stalin
Just exactly how many #Complaints
Does one have to receive before someone is at least put on #Gardening Leave. At this rate #PolPot could still be a #MinisterofState
My #Arse
#complaints #gardening #polpot #MinisterofState #joke #integrity #professionalism #accountability #trust #arse
I have always been able to see,into the soul of a horse,and loose the boundaries of other county,maybe in previous life I was a horse,or maybe a part of a horse #polpot
@godpod #fuck #god #it is the great #humanrights #violator with its #massextinctions #eartquakes and etc. #killing billions of #living #ceatures since its creation, its a #sadistic #satan and #putin, #hitler #mao #stalin #polpot and etc are its children
#polpot #stalin #mao #hitler #putin #satan #sadistic #ceatures #living #killing #eartquakes #massextinctions #violator #humanrights #it #god #fuck