Jane_Munroe · @Jane_Munroe
196 followers · 76 posts · Server mstdn.party

Yay! We're finding each other!

A lot of hashtags, I know, sorry. Some may have changed too.

If we knew each other on the bird app, shuffle on over. Hope you can find some mutuals in my lists too.

Here's Biggest Bruce grooving to Jimi Hendrix the other day, if any of you remember that post and know of mutuals, send them along too, ok?

I'm still trying to find all of us.

#ableg #abpoli #bcpoli #skpoli #cdnpoli #canpoli #peipoli #polq #onpoli #mbpoli #nspoli #nbpoli #labradorpoli #nfldpoli

Last updated 2 years ago

Marie Plourde · @marieplourde
43 followers · 3 posts · Server mastodon.social

Bonjour Mastodon!!!!!

#polmtl #polq #caturday

Last updated 2 years ago