Veranstaltungshinweis: Donnerstag, 22. September, 11 Uhr findet das nächste Webinar zur Einführung in das Politikmonitoring und -analysetool Polit-X statt.
Anmeldung unter:
Die Teilnahme ist kostenlos.
#PoWi #policy #polsci
#PolSci #AcademicJob offer at the University of Bremen, Institute for Intercultural and International Studies (Philipp Genschel).
Areas: European Integration, Global Governance and/ or Political Economy
Postdoc, full-time (TV-L 13 pay), 3 years.
I've worked for Philipp and I've worked in Bremen. Both highly recommended.
Postdoc and PhD position at LMU Munich (GSI) in an #EU-related project on " Synchronized Politics". Deadline September 15, 2023.
How did #rightwing #media discourses on cultural #threat, #politics, and #nationalism change in the last 20 years? In a study just published in German Politics, Leo Bauer and I analyze almost 57,000 articles published in Germany's largest right-wing newspaper, check it out:
#rightwing #media #threat #politics #Nationalism #polcom #polsci
Oh, schön! Ein neues #OpenAccess -Lehrbuch "Computational Methods für die Sozial- und Geisteswissenschaften": #Neuerscheinungen #polsci #sociology
#openaccess #Neuerscheinungen #polsci #sociology
‼️ #CfP, round 2: We now call for #papers for 98 open panels at the #DVPW Convention at Uni Goettingen! Submit your proposal by 31.10. via the DVPW website, more info on the call and panels:
#dvpw2024 #PolSci #PoliticalScience
#cfp #papers #dvpw #dvpw2024 #polsci #politicalscience
Im vergangenen März fand die Jubiläumtstagung anlässlich des 25-jährigen Bestehens des AK Demokratieforschung der @dvpw
in Berlin statt. Simon Bein, Dennis Kurrek und ich haben für die ZfVP einen kurzen Bericht hierzu verfasst 👇
#CfP 30.09.2023: 4. #Thementagung "Making #Sustainability Happen: #GlobalPolitics Meets Planetary #Boundaries", 10.-12.04.2024, Akademie für Politische Bildung, Tutzing
#PolSci #PoliticalScience @politicalscience #Politikwissenschaft #PoWi
#cfp #thementagung #sustainability #globalpolitics #boundaries #polsci #politicalscience #politikwissenschaft #powi
‼️⏱️ Final call, round 1: Submit your open #panel proposal for the #dvpw2024 #convention in #Göttingen today!
The call for #papers follows mid-July and closes on 10/31, together with the call for closed #panels, so more opportunities coming your way!
#panel #dvpw2024 #convention #gottingen #papers #panels #polsci #politicalscience
liest: "Und die Generationen von Studierenden, die das Lehrforschungsprojekt in den letzten fast 20 Jahren besucht und mit ihren Projekten bereichert haben." Puh, ja, das ist wirklich schon siebzehn Jahre her! #Versuchskaninchen #Bachelor #polsci #UniTü #LFP
#Versuchskaninchen #bachelor #polsci #unitu #lfp
‼️⏱️Time's almost up: Submit your open #panel proposal for our #convention 2024 by Friday! We are the German #PolSci Association, but we'd love everyone to join us in #Göttingen 😎
#CfP June 30 #dvpw2024 #PoliticalScience @politicalscience
#panel #convention #polsci #gottingen #cfp #dvpw2024 #politicalscience
Neu bei Pollux: 📣Forschungsblogs 🤩
In unserer #Literatursuche finden Sie ab sofort auch Beiträge aus über 350 politikwissenschaftlichen #Forschungsblogs
#Recherche #Literatur #Quellen #Blog #PoWi #polsci
#literatursuche #forschungsblogs #recherche #literatur #quellen #blog #powi #polsci
Hybrid workshop on Democracy and Penality in Europe
It was great to hear 6 experts from Czechia, Hungary, Poland, Serbia and Slovenia pulling apart concepts of democracy and penality to work out relationships and drivers of change in these five countries.
Full details, with the agenda of the event, here:
#polsci #criminallaw #law #penology #criminology
#CfP: Don't forget to submit your open #panel proposal by June 30! You pick the topic and we'll organize the call for paper 😉
Everything else is due by October 31
#cfp #panel #dvpw2024 #politicalscience #polsci #polycrisis
Workshop on democratic backsliding and penal policy
My colleague Milena Tripković has gathered scholars covering penality in Czechia, Hungary, Poland and Slovenia for what looks like an excellent hybrid workshop in Edinburgh and online.
Sign up here:
#PenalPolicy #Penality #Populism #Criminology #PublicPolicy #PolSci #Europe #CentralEurope #EasternEurope #ExYu #Democracy
#democracy #exyu #easterneurope #centraleurope #europe #polsci #publicpolicy #criminology #populism #penality #penalpolicy
Go #OpenAccess whenever possible. There are wonderful, 100%, Q1, high quality open access journals out there like @IRPPJournal @delibdemjournal @Radical_Housing @Res_pol @reviewbraziliam, just to mention a few in #PolSci !🤓
‼️ #CfP: Call for #Roundtables & #Panels at the #DVPW #Convention 2024 in Göttingen: Apply by June 30 for open panels and by October 31 for closed panels and roundtables via the DVPW website!
#dvpw2024 #PolSci #PoliticalScience
#cfp #roundtables #panels #dvpw #convention #dvpw2024 #polsci #politicalscience
New #Criminology paper:
Teaching Atrocity Criminology with ICTY Archives: Disciplinarity, Research, Ethics
Covers interdisciplinarity, the research/teaching nexus and ethics in teaching criminology and atrocity using public court archives
#SOTL #Pedagogy #ICTY #Archive #ExYu #Law #Sociology #History #PolSci
#polsci #history #sociology #law #exyu #archive #icty #pedagogy #sotl #criminology
Wir kommen zur 40. #Jahrestagung der #DGfP, die am 23. und 24.6. in Berlin stattfindet.
Wir freuen uns auf den Austausch!
#PoWi #polsci
#jahrestagung #dgfp #powi #polsci