Katt · @cataclystp
19 followers · 124 posts · Server sunny.garden

today in the our lecturer went over the ASP analogue console at uni, and we set up a spot-miked mid/side drum recording.

it was so cool seeing how everything is done and it's one of the rare things where it really did sound amazing in the recordings. I also love how the audient has GENEROUS saturation so you can make kicks, snares and hats sound SUPER fucked up, and then just attenuate the channel since everything is post-fader when sent to

I still cant stand protools and I find it really antiquated, but I'm learning to like how well it works for mixing and editing.

my group's project later is to remake a song, using a drum recording as its basis, and we've chosen to redo a rock-y song into a synth pop one. I can't remember the song's name. I also get an excuse to finally take my to uni!!! we're going to try and get things nice and analogue and saturated now that we have access to the Audient.

on a sidenote, wow setting up 7 microphones is pain. at least having 3 of the same mic is a lot easier to gain stage and setup than having a lot of different mics with different quirks.

#studio #audient #protools #musicproduction #audioengineering #polybrute

Last updated 1 year ago

edikabe · @edikabe
135 followers · 692 posts · Server piaille.fr