@gsuberland Helium is a common byproduct of radioactive decay, so in a few thousand years, the supply will be replenished. The Industrial Age is probably ending one way or another within the next 100-300 years, so the end of plentiful helium is just one more nail in the coffin. There will be more and more things we thought we could make and do where we suddenly find out that we cannot anymore, not because we have lost the knowledge, but because it was always rooted in unsustainable practices which we suddenly can't sustain any longer. Resource depletion is just one component of the global (or if you want it to look a little more Greek).

#polycrisis #polykrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

coolmccool · @Coolmccool
199 followers · 1227 posts · Server mastodon.au

@exador23 "It's long-term thinking" - indeed.

We could do with some of that now. What a shame Australian politicians don't take this mindset on board.

#polycrisis #climateemergency #auspol

Last updated 1 year ago

@tupfentier Es ist nicht nur eine Klimakrise, es ist die Polykrisis, ein Komplex aus mehreren miteinander verbundenen globalen Krisen. Und der Treiber all dieser Krisen ist das Industriezeitalter, der Treiber ist das Wirtschaftswachstum. Um die Polykrisis zu stoppen, muß die reale Weltwirtschaft, muß der industrielle Umsatz von Materie und Energie um mehr als die Hälfte schrumpfen und dann für immer stagnieren, und das quasi sofort, innerhalb weniger Jahre. Und dabei müssen wir die Industrie, während sie schrumpft, auch noch so umbauen, daß sie die natürlichen Systeme dieses Planeten unterstützt und bei deren Erholung hilft, anstatt ihnen zu schaden. Wenn wir das hinbekommen, wird die Zivilisation immer noch untergehen, aber das dauert dann viele Jahrhunderte, und es gibt noch gute Chancen, daß danach neue Zivilisationen kommen, nur weit weniger technisiert mit weit weniger Menschen.
Wenn wir die Polykrisis nicht sehr schnell entschärft bekommen, dann wird die kapitalistische Weltwirtschaft noch ein paar Jahrzehnte weiterwachsen, dann aber nicht lange stagnieren, sondern in den freien Fall übergehen, und diese Zivilisation ist dann nicht nur in 100-150 Jahren komplett im Arsch, sondern es wird ganz einfach nie wieder eine Zivilisation geben, und falls die Gattung Homo das überlebt, werden zukünftige Hominide wieder ein nomadisches Wildbeuterleben führen müssen wie in der Altsteinzeit, nur mit Werkzeugen und Waffen aus Eisen und Stahl, solange noch was da ist zum Umschmieden. Und die Biosphäre ist natürlich arg verarmt durch das Artensterben, da wird die Zahl der Menschen wohl nie wieder sonderlich groß werden.

#polykrisis #polycrisis #KlimaKatastrophe #endedeswachstums #wachstumsgrenze #overshoot #artensterben

Last updated 1 year ago

@sentinian @Autistrain @actuallyautistic @neurodiversity I wouldn't want to be "normal" even if I could. What passes for normality in this civilisation of ours brought us into this ongoing global


Last updated 1 year ago

@rahmstorf Dummerweise ist einfach ALLES ein Thema für den Kulturkampf, weil eine menschenwürdige Bewältigung der eskalierenden Polykrisis unmöglich ist ohne eine radikale Veränderung der Kultur. Und manche Leute wollen lieber diese Veränderung verhindern und einen menschenverachtenden massenmörderischen Verlauf der Polykrisis.

#polykrisis #kulturkampf #polycrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
425 followers · 2210 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

A false sense of security (hubris) is generally causing people to neglect the actions that can prevent an ecological

1. To believe that humanity is going to mitigate the is wish-based delusional thinking (Hope feels good!)


2. The understanding that humanity has a low probability (chance) of mitigating the is evidence-based rationale thinking (But, doesn't feel good)

Best wishers!

#climatechange #probability #systemthinking #polycrisis #climatecrisis #psychology

Last updated 1 year ago

Bargearse · @largess
576 followers · 4959 posts · Server mastodon.au

Climate change fuelling Antarctic emperor penguin population losses


>“Emperor penguins have no external threats except climate change and sea ice,” said the study’s lead author, Peter Fretwell, a scientist with the British Antarctic Survey.

>“They have never been hunted, hardly any contact with humanity. It is purely climate change. You can’t put the ice back. This is a global problem. If we don’t do something we are driving them to the brink of extinction.”

#climatechange #polycrisis #biodiversityloss

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
413 followers · 2122 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

Excellent discussion regarding how the mainstream (richer) majority are, in general, dramatically opposed to development.

Institutions, e.g. , with investments in , generally, have limited financial biases so they promote #Capture, geoengineering tech, etc

The Great Simplification with Nate Hagens: Taimur Ahmad: in the

Episode webpage: thegreatsimplification.libsyn.

Media file: traffic.libsyn.com/secure/theg

#climate #money #sustainable #universities #industries #carbon #energy #inequality #polycrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
389 followers · 1782 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

Map of Soil Degradation in the World

An estimated 75% of the Earth’s land surface has been degraded through human activities, negatively impacting the well-being of at least 3.2 billion people, pushing the planet towards a sixth mass species event

There are known solutions (that work) to mitigate soil degradation

But, evidently, many cultures, their business leaders & political parties, are causing the crisis

#polycrisis #ecologicalcrisis #climatecrisis #extinction

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
389 followers · 1782 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host


Whilst the knowledge (e.g., environmental science literature) of how to prevent a by developing an ecologically sustainable culture, has been known by a minority for decades, because humanity has continued to take part in polluting & ecologically degrading activities (businesses & lifestyles as usual), an ecological is occurring.

The Planet's soils are also being degraded by industrial farming methods.

There are known solutions. soilassociation.org/news/

#climatecrisis #polycrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

silentashes · @silentashes
28 followers · 238 posts · Server pdx.sh

🧵 5/
source for above hypotheses’ data:


(p.s. also to distract people / manufacture more crisis/tools)


Last updated 1 year ago

@wauz @qpnao @Radical_EgoCom @pdh One thing Marx couldn't see coming was the global threatening the entire 12,000-year project of human civilisation. He couldn't imagine staying fully functional and powerful for long enough to hit the global growth limits and wrecking all kinds vital planetary systems like the climate and the biosphere. He had a vague idea that Capitalism was headed in such a direction, but he thought that the people would be able to end it long before that.

#polycrisis #capitalism

Last updated 1 year ago

silentashes · @silentashes
28 followers · 238 posts · Server pdx.sh

@VeryBadLlama IMHO

The whole thing is — at this point — an intentional destruction.

… So they can “start over.”

Rumor had it the various unlisted intelligence agencies’ sites include massive underground **cities** of thousands of people.

#climatecrisis #climateemergency #polycrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

@RvH We won't get back to the old kind of climate for tens of thousands of years, and even if we completely stopped burning any fossil carbon right now, it would still get warmer for 20-30 years because there is a lot of inertia in something as big as the whole Earth. So if we stop it ASAP, it will stop in a state which is even worse than what we already experience today, and even if we do all we can to help the Earth heal, it will take long enough for entire civilisations to rise and fall before it gets close to where we were before the Industrial Revolution.
Speaking of industry, I fear that the Age of Machines will be over within a few centuries, and there won't be tevhnology which is very much more complex than we already have today, before at some point around the middle of the century the decline begins and the capabilities necessary to produce complex artifacts get lost. Even if we still know how to make or do something, we won't be able to do it because the necessary industrial facilities aren't avaliable anymore, or because we've run out of some critical raw materials. I think silicon chips will be one of the first things to go - first we will lose the ability to make the highly integrated circuits of today, falling back to 1990s or even 1980s levels, and eventually, maybe by the end of the 21st century, maybe in the 22nd, we will lose the ability to make integrated circuits altogether.

This is not just a , this is a complex (or if you want the word too look a little more Greek) of the entire civilisation, at the core of it all is the end of economic growth because we're hitting the global growth limits of Planet Earth, is to blame, and we have known this would happen since the published in 1972, three years before my birth. If we had an Ecosocialist World Revolution against Capitalism right now, ending fossil fuel use in the industrialised parts of the world rapidly within the next few years and switching from a growth-based economy to a steady-state one that focuses on providing all the goods and services all the people need instead of producing shit that can be sold on the markets, we might slow the decline so that the Machine Age could peter out over the next 300-500 years, but as things stand now, I don' think it will last another 150 years.

I fear we are about to enter something like the Age of Lost Dreams, when we thought we were about to build the first outposts in our Solar System but instead fall back behind the living standard of our great-grandparents. Things will get a lot worse before anything gets better. What we need now is not false hope but anger and wrath. What we need to do is rage against the Machine. SCNR 😉
We need to dismantle Capitalist society as it is and start building the parts of the next civilisation because this one is almost over. And the parts we need are technologies that don't need huge planet-sized supply chains because those won't work anymore. We need technologies that can be built from common materials at some small village workshop. Like small Stirling engines that can make use of any kind of heat source, be it fire or sun or whatever, and convert the heat energy into mechanical rotational energy. Things they could have built in the 17th or 18th century if they had had the knowledge. Any kind of technology that depends on parts and materials from faraway places and huge complex factories will eventually vanish.

#climatecrisis #polycrisis #polykrisis #capitalism #clubofrome #limitstogrowth

Last updated 1 year ago

@RvH I'm afraid we won't be able to stop it anymore, but we might still be able to limit it. However, what we need to do in order to limit is far too radical, I don't think any type of liberal democracy will be able to pull it off. Most existing autoritarian states probably won't be able to do it, either. I fear that in the process of doing what needs to be done, the state, no matter which type of state, will be most likely be the enemy of the activists and closely allied with the economy, be it Capitalist or Socialist. In order to stop the climate chaos, we will need to unleash social chaos to disrupt the global Capitalist economy which is the cause of the . We need to become more radical than the crisis itself.

#climatechaos #polycrisis

Last updated 1 year ago

LA Plant Genetics · @Laplantgenetics
57 followers · 422 posts · Server spore.social

@davidho It makes more sense to focus on the entire old growth forest ecosystem rather than particular trees. Replacing a system with 100+ species per acre with >10 is a huge mistake. We should be trying to increase biodiversity rather than tree counts for improved carbon sequestration.

And finally, biochar is not the magic solution to forest fires. Biochar production still releases CO2. Increasing biodiversity increases resilience.


Last updated 1 year ago

@augieray And with the ongoing pushing the entire right side of the political spectrum deeper and deeper into pure science denial, conspiracy nuttery, and wishful thinking, they become unable to address any kind of crisis - like .

#polycrisis #COVID

Last updated 1 year ago

@augieray Therefore, science denial and conspiracy mythology have taken over much of the right side of the political spectrum, while the liberal centre succumbs to magical thinking and the belief in miracle machines that will save us all. The moderate left, social democrats and the like, might be able to address individual crises in a halfway decent manner, but the as a whole needs more radical solutions.


Last updated 1 year ago

@augieray The entire global with all of its parts like the or the is heavily politicised due to the fact that any real solution must address the elephant in the room which is economic growth. We will only be able to come to working solutions if we allow the economy to shrink, but that will mean the end of if we don't want billions to starve just so that a few rich oligarchs can continue being rich and powerful.

#polycrisis #climatecrisis #sixthextinction #capitalism

Last updated 1 year ago