@helenczerski Another wriggly chicken food is tadpoles (which eat algae). If a pond has broad shallow fringes, tadpoles are attracted there & chickens can get them. #polyculture
@errbufferoverfl thereâs a #polyculture hashtag which may help you find it? Not a huge amount there though
"Throughout the European part of the Mediterranean â an area stretching from Greece through Italy, France and Spain, the coltura promiscua or coltura mista (translated as âpromiscuous agricultureâ, #polyculture or mixed farming) landscapes predominated in many regions.
Edible landscaping, #agroecology and #ForestGardening â the creation of productive environments conducive to human delectation and recreation that mimic the relationships, resilience, diversity, and dynamic processes of natural #ecosystems â are modern phrases for practices stretching back into earliest antiquity. Eden, Shangdu, the hanging gardens of Babylon, the floating gardens of Xochimilco, are all superlative examples of edible landscaping."
#polyculture #agroecology #forestgardening #ecosystems
"Early Flowering /Edible/Wildlife Plants - Trees, Shrubs, Herbs, and Bulbs for #ForestGardens and Regenerative Landscapes
All of the plants listed here provide an early source of pollen/nectar to a wide diversity of pollinating insects. The majority of the plants in this #polyculture bloom when there are few other sources of nectar/pollen available. This encourages pollinating insects in and around our gardens to fulfill their vital role when the crops (particularly #fruit trees) start to flower in the early spring. Additionally, these plants are all edible for humans.
We'll take a look at these plants, ideal for forest #gardens, #permaculture, and regenerative landscapes serving both our needs and the needs of #wildlife. You'll find a selection of trees, shrubs, herbs, and bulbs.
Let's start with trees" https://balkanecologyproject.blogspot.com/2023/01/twelve-of-favorite-early-flowering.html
#forestgardens #polyculture #fruit #gardens #permaculture #wildlife
Plants That Can be Grown Around Walnuts and Hickories - Juglone Tolerant Plants
#edibletrees #plantsforforestgardens #walnuts #juglansregia #gardens #wildlifegarden #edibleshrubs #gardendesign #polycultureorchard #seeds #gardeners #landscape #trees #forestgarden #foodforest #foodforests #landscapedesign #permaculturedesign #agroforesty #organic #permaculture #polyculture #juglone https://balkanecologyproject.blogspot.com/2015/09/plants-that-can-be-grown-around-walnuts.html
#juglone #polyculture #permaculture #organic #agroforesty #permaculturedesign #landscapedesign #foodforests #foodforest #forestgarden #Trees #Landscape #gardeners #seeds #polycultureorchard #gardendesign #edibleshrubs #wildlifegarden #gardens #juglansregia #walnuts #plantsforforestgardens #edibletrees
After 50+ years if #organic #gardening / #polyculture one of the best ways to manage pests is to overwhelm them with alternate food sources. Toward that end I find it of value to purchase RADISH SEED in bulk. Before I plant anything in the ground, I scatter radish (daikon is my favorite as it's mild). This performs several functions: 1. snip 'em as microgreens until they get to 5" (12.7mm.) or so. 2. They shade the ground to reduce evaporation 3. they pump sugars (via photosynthesis) into the earth to stimulate / feed microbes and fungi. 4. they provide food for pill bugs / cutworms / slugs & less predation of the crop, 5. can be snipped for, or browsed by small livestock and 6. you get radishes!
#organic #gardening #polyculture
"A #Polyculture for Herbal Tea, Salad, Fruits and #Wildlife
Refreshing vitalizing herbal teas, a living first aid cabinet, wildlife habitat, beauty, and interest throughout the year, with some strawberries, currants, and salad leaves to boot! This Polyculture is ideal for small gardens taking up no more than approx 6m2 but also working well in a larger space as a beneficial island that fills a gap within the wider garden ecosystem of fruit, nut, and ornamental trees."
One of my favorite #permaculture
#polyculture #horticulture #FoodForest research centers in E Europe, The #Balkan #Ecology Center. They publish regular overviews of various perennial food, fodder, fiber plants, and other subjects.
#permaculture #polyculture #horticulture #FoodForest #Balkan #ecology
A #polyculture of wheat grown with walnut trees produces ~ 40% higher yields.
1 hectare of wheat/walnut mix yields the same as 1.4 hectares of each crop grown separately.
This is an example of overyielding.
FYI, if you want to find #permaculture people in the Western hemisphere, I've kept up these lists since 1998 (it used to be global, but it got too big. If you want your permaculture / #polyculture enterprise listed, let me know. https://www.permaculturedesignmagazine.com/directory
Does anyone know of studies regarding #polyculture in #Basella?
#agriculture #gardening #crops #plants #biology #followerpower
#polyculture #basella #agriculture #gardening #crops #plants #biology #followerpower
It was a beautiful morning today so we sat in the garden, which is looking very mushy now itâs defrosted!
But Bear enjoyed it.
#garden #gardening #wintergarden #horticulture #polyculture #shorkie #dog #mygarden
#garden #gardening #wintergarden #horticulture #polyculture #shorkie #dog #mygarden
Farmers in Italy, Spain and France also developed "cultura promiscua", promiscuous culture or #polyculture: a system of intercropping that combines in particular wine and olive trees ("companian trees), but also many other plants, all complementing each other. It is ancient but still practiced very widely. Here is one nice introductory article - was going to add a picture I took myself in Italy this summer, when I learned about all this but can't upload (on train)
#Introduction: #Editorial Guild for #Permaculture #Design #Magazine since '98, #Homestead #polyculture #Farm on 10A of partly forested sand.
#NaturalBuilding #Agroecology #Agroforestry #SeedSaving #restoration #soil #Erosion #WholisticManagement #Rewilding #Wetlands #Earthworks #Watersheds #AridPermaculture #UrbanAgriculture #UrbanPermaculture #SpongeCities #FloodPrevention #ClimateAdaptation #ClimateChange
#introduction #editorial #permaculture #design #magazine #homestead #polyculture #farm #naturalbuilding #agroecology #agroforestry #seedsaving #restoration #soil #erosion #WholisticManagement #rewilding #wetlands #earthworks #watersheds #AridPermaculture #urbanagriculture #UrbanPermaculture #SpongeCities #FloodPrevention #ClimateAdaptation #climatechange #CurrentEvents
Cosmos bipinnatus, surplombant des laitues "Appia" (Lactuca sativa) et des Ă©chalotes (Allium ascalonicum), dans le petit jardin scolaire.
#CulturesAssociees #polyculture
Pourquoi le véganisme va disparaitre avant 2045
#Véganisme #Agriculture #Permaculture #Polyculture #Monoculture #Biodiversité #Microbiologie #MicrobiologieDesSols
#biodiversité #microbiologie #microbiologiedessols #véganisme #agriculture #permaculture #polyculture #monoculture
Végé/végan... oui mais attention à la complexité.
#permaculture #polyculture #complexité
#permaculture #polyculture #complexité
13 espÚces pour une #polyculture adaptée au climat, qui résiste aux maladies, et utilise les nutritivements du sol. J. Caplat @Natureparif