ich wünsche dir besten Erfolg und bin gespannt wie das #Färben vom #Polyester funktioniert hat
In der Community der #FursuitBauer #FursuitMaker ist das meines Wissens nach noch nicht zufreidenstellend gelöst wie man #Kunstfell gefärbt bekommt
#Farben #polyester #fursuitbauer #fursuitmaker #kunstfell
Waste colonies yield #bacterium with 3 #enzymes that may break down #polyester.
#bacterium #enzymes #polyester #bioremediation
I finally chatted with a #publisher about my nearly finished book, only to learn that it’s not as close as I’d hoped. I will be seeking input from my siblings about what additional things they recall from our years of #Pentecostal church in the #1970s and #1980s. If you want to share any memories of your own, please do!
#polyester #prophesy #SacredCircus #tongues #interpretation #holyghost #SlainInTheSpirit
#slaininthespirit #holyghost #interpretation #tongues #sacredcircus #prophesy #polyester #1980s #1970s #Pentecostal #publisher
Just finished watching Polyester (1981), will try to drop some thoughts or review in the comments. #justwatched #watched #cinemastodon #plex #whattowatch #moviedon https://trakt.tv/movies/polyester-1981 #Polyester #trakt
#justwatched #watched #cinemastodon #plex #whattowatch #moviedon #polyester #trakt
At a Salvation Army site in Kettering, heavily worn polyester clothing is being recycled into pellets which can then be turned back into textile. The factory will eventually process 5000 tonnes annually.
#GoodNews #Recycling #Clothing #Textile #Polyester #SalvationArmy #Kettering #Reuse
#goodnews #recycling #clothing #textile #polyester #SalvationArmy #kettering #reuse
I have a bit of a beef with the second hand marketplace #tise: they have their own profile called Tise Treasures where they sell “hand selected second hand treasures” and the “treasures” are for example a 100% #polyester shirt for 600 kr (~60€) and virtually no clothing above size M.
Le polyester recyclé, cet écran de fumée.
Le polyester recyclé est l’une des principales solutions invoquées par la fast fashion pour affirmer qu’elle réduit son impact écologique. Dans cet article, on nous explique en quoi cette matière est surtout un miroir aux alouettes qui nous détourne des vraies solutions. Une petite enquête qui va nous emmener en Chine, en Ouganda et même au Tennessee.
#loom #fastfashion #polyester
Happy anniversary to John Waters film, ‘Polyester’. Filmed in “Odorama” and released in theaters this week in 1981. #polyester #johnwaters #divine #tabhunter #odorama
#polyester #johnwaters #divine #TabHunter #odorama
Can’t get over seeing used #designer dresses sell for almost 3000kr (250€) and be made of #polyester
Get real! Computer scientists create a digital society in WORLD ON A WIRE (1974). Rainer Werner Fassbinder's weird and slightly kinky sci-fi mystery anticipates virtual reality, years before the term was coined. Originally made for German TV, WORLD ON A WIRE is presented on Criterion Channel as two 105-minute films. Here's our discussion of part 1.
#YabtM #movies #film #reviews #YouTube #cinemastodon #scifi #sciencefiction #cyberpunk #sideburns #polyester #Criterion https://youtu.be/ky3gg3vvWVA
#yabtm #movies #film #reviews #youtube #cinemastodon #scifi #sciencefiction #cyberpunk #sideburns #polyester #criterion
Better yet, wear clothes made of shorn #wool, #hemp, #bamboo, or #OrganicCotton.
How do you tackle #microplastics? Start with your washing machine.
Simple filters could help remove #microfiber pollution from your #laundry. But experts say a broader portfolio of solutions is needed to address the problem.
by Saqib Rahim, Apr 19, 2023
"As environmental challenges go, microfiber pollution has come from practically out of nowhere. It was only a decade or so ago that scientists first suspected our #clothing, increasingly made of #synthetic materials like #polyester and #nylon, might be major contributors to the global #plastic problem.
"Today a growing body of science suggests the tiny strands that slough off #clothes are everywhere and in everything. By one estimate, they account for as much as one-third of all microplastics released to the ocean. They’ve been found on #MountEverest and in the #MarianaTrench, along with tap #water, #plankton, shrimp guts, and our poo."
#WaterIsLife #Pollution #NaturalFibers #MakeClothesThatLast #FastFashion
#wool #hemp #bamboo #organiccotton #microplastics #microfiber #laundry #clothing #Synthetic #polyester #nylon #plastic #clothes #mounteverest #marianatrench #water #plankton #waterislife #pollution #naturalfibers #makeclothesthatlast #fastfashion
das Wochenende war mal wieder musikalisch ... #Metropoly #Klubfestival #Freizeitlärm in #Oldenburg - einige Impressionen
#Disco #Hiphop #Film #Freihafen #MetroOldenburg #Polyester
#metropoly #klubfestival #freizeitlarm #oldenburg #disco #hiphop #film #freihafen #metrooldenburg #polyester
Flexible Heater Market
The Flexible heater market size is anticipated to grow from USD 1.2 billion in 2022 to USD 1.7 billion by 2027, at a CAGR of 7.2% from 2022 to 2027.
• More Information :- https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/Market-Reports/flexible-heater-market-51373429.html
Rising requirements for innovative heating solutions, focus of OEMs on providing novel and efficient flexible heater
#FlexibleHeater #SiliconeRubber #Polyimide #Polyester #Mica #Industry
#flexibleheater #siliconerubber #polyimide #polyester #mica #industry
La suite c'est la dépose de la manette des gaz, un travail de finition de la découpe 📐 du fameux trou, la confection d'un renfort en contreplaqué marine 🪚 pour faciliter le rebouchage du trou avec du mastic #polyester et de la #fibredecarbone verre, ponçage et finitions au #gelcoat (mais à retravailler avec des conditions météo plus favorables 🌤). #pfiouuu 👷
#pfiouuu #gelcoat #fibredecarbone #polyester
Using #bacteria to convert #CO2 in the air into a #polyester.
#biotechnology #sustainability #bioplastic
#bacteria #co2 #polyester #biotechnology #sustainability #bioplastic
"Je zou kunnen zeggen dat polyester duurzaam is. Het gaat namelijk heel lang mee. Het probleem is dat wij kleding inmiddels behandelen als wegwerpproduct. Zo bezien maken we afval dat voor eeuwig bestaat."
#polyester #FastFashion
Niemand in de kledingindustrie wil het hebben over problematische lieveling polyester
took me an entire second
I love clothes & fashion more than 99.999% of the planet, but i hate the entire industry #globalWarming #polyester #fossilFuel #CimateCrisis
If we’re being honest, Fashion month probs one of the top offenders perpetuating/adding gas & lighting a flame to this #pandemic what with all the multi-city travel in very short amounts of time, multiple times a year
Love fashion…the people, not so much
Also everyone great mostly retired/died
#globalwarming #polyester #fossilfuel #cimatecrisis #Pandemic
Just Have a Think
Finally a plastic that nature can easily deal with!
#JustHaveAThink #plastic #polyester #polymer #UniversityOfKonstanz #vanDerWaalsInteraction
#justhaveathink #plastic #polyester #polymer #universityofkonstanz #vanderwaalsinteraction
@GenXAndBitter More polyester in this film than Polyester! The models for Mr. Sal's Clothing must have been the coolest, funkiest local legends around in 70s Oakland!
#TCMParty #solomonking #tcmunderground #polyester
@drvolts https://www.motherjones.com/environment/2020/06/gas-industry-influencers-stoves/
I rarely agree 100% with anything, but there were no flaws here💛💗everyone should listen to it b/c even if you know, you’ll still learn something #Reagan 🤷🏻♀️
I WISH they would come in the night & rip out my #gasStove !
Now do #microfiber #spandex #polyester #plasticIsTheNewCoal :)
#fossilFuel is marketing #elastane in clothing to make up for declining #revenue stream
#no2 #climateCrisis #benzene #electrification #carcinogenic #decarbonization
#phenomenal #reagan #gasstove #microfiber #spandex #polyester #plasticisthenewcoal #fossilfuel #elastane #revenue #no2 #climatecrisis #benzene #electrification #carcinogenic #decarbonization