Not me using "recirculate" for "recycle" because that's what you say in my other two languages. #PolyglotProblems
@AeroBlazt oh, come to think of it, that was another concern of mine: which language I should use on my accounts #PolyglotProblems
Translate + Edit alone won't do it. 3rd ☕ urgently needed !
#Salvatore #PolyglotProblems
You can get some lovely macarons from Maison Bigot in Versailles. 😂 Apparently French “bigot” is less harsh than the English term, meaning something like “holier-than-thou” or “sanctimonious”. #LanguageLearning #Languages #french #français #PolyglotProblems #polyglotlife
#polyglotlife #polyglotproblems #francais #french #languages #languagelearning
Ah, the morning language wheel, wherein I try to maintain my languages and inevitably end up wondering how anyone can live with ten languages in their head.
Memrise: *here is some Italian*
Me: *stares at it for five minutes trying to remember which is the Italian*
Memrise: Translate 'the call' into French.
Me: ...llamada. chiamata. chamada... L'APPEL. Fuck you French you're not special.