#FREE! #FiveEMagazine, for #DnD #5e (many articles are system agnostic) is available in PDF & PRINT at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/browser/publisher/13989
#DungeonsAndDragons #magazine #Dragon #DnD5e
#fantasy #ttrpg #DungeonsAndDragons5e #osr #unboxing #opening #unbox #new #art #periodical #CriticalRole #maps #map #cartography #gaming #game #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop
#ipad #oldschool #swordandsorcery #DungeonMaster #DM #polyhedral #d20 #dungeon
#free #FiveEMagazine #DnD #5e #dungeonsAndDragons #magazine #dragon #dnd5e #fantasy #ttrpg #dungeonsanddragons5e #osr #Unboxing #opening #unbox #new #art #Periodical #criticalrole #maps #map #cartography #gaming #game #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #ipad #oldschool #swordandsorcery #dungeonmaster #dm #polyhedral #d20 #dungeon
Phandelver’s Pact Footfall game session summaries - check them out on my website!
#5e #ttrpg #oldschool #gaming #DnD5e #DM #DungeonMaster #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #fantasy #RolePlayingGame #RPG #DungeonMaster #DungeonsAndDragons
#LostMineOfPhandelver #StormKingsThunder
#Footfall #XP #polyhedral #DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole
#5e #ttrpg #oldschool #gaming #dnd5e #dm #dungeonmaster #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #fantasy #roleplayinggame #rpg #dungeonsAndDragons #LostMineOfPhandelver #StormKingsThunder #princesoftheapocalypse #footfall #xp #polyhedral #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole
Here are some session summaries from a #dnd campaign I ran from 1st-20th using XP!
#5e #ttrpg #oldschool #gaming #DnD5e #DM #DungeonMaster #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #fantasy#RolePlayingGame #RPG #DungeonMaster #DungeonsAndDragons
#LostMineOfPhandelver #StormKingsThunder
#Footfall #XP #CriticalRole #DungeonsAndDragons5e #polyhedral
#DnD #5e #ttrpg #oldschool #gaming #dnd5e #dm #dungeonmaster #tabletopRolePlayingGame #tabletop #fantasy #rpg #dungeonsAndDragons #LostMineOfPhandelver #StormKingsThunder #princesoftheapocalypse #footfall #xp #criticalrole #dungeonsanddragons5e #polyhedral
#ShotglassAdventures #Playtest, session 16 - In the sewers under the city of Ravik, the party raced against time to defuse a magical bomb, while battling a deadly assassin!
#dnd #5e #osr #DnD5e #AdvancedDungeonsAndDragons #DungeonsAndDragons
#ttrpg #ose #oldschool #Pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DM
#warhammer #DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole #polyhedral
#shotglassadventures #playtest #DnD #5e #osr #dnd5e #advanceddungeonsanddragons #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg #ose #oldschool #pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpg #roleplayinggame #dm #warhammer #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole #polyhedral
#ShotglassAdventures #Playtest, session 16 - In the sewers under the city of Ravik, the party raced against time to defuse a magical bomb, while battling a deadly assassin!
#dnd #5e #osr #DnD5e #AdvancedDungeonsAndDragons#DungeonsAndDragons
#ttrpg #ose #oldschool #Pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DM
#warhammer #DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole #polyhedral
#shotglassadventures #playtest #DnD #5e #osr #dnd5e #advanceddungeonsanddragons #ttrpg #ose #oldschool #pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpg #roleplayinggame #dm #warhammer #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole #polyhedral
My very first published #dnd book - #ShotglassAdventures volume 1. Contains my all-time fave adventure “Murder in Seaforth” plus 9 other awesome one-page adventures. I love this book (and based on the feedback, so do lots of others!) 😊
Available at https://www.drivethrurpg.com/m/browser/publisher/13989
#dnd #5e #osr #DnD5e #AdvancedDungeonsAndDragons #DungeonsAndDragons
#ttrpg #ose #oldschool #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DM
#DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole #polyhedral
#DnD #shotglassadventures #5e #osr #dnd5e #advanceddungeonsanddragons #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg #ose #oldschool #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpg #roleplayinggame #dm #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole #polyhedral
I use home-made index cards for my #DnD5e games. Saves me having to pull the books out for stats.
What do you use?
#dnd #5e #p2e #ttrpg #map #cartography #cartographer #DungeonsAndDragons
#osr #ose #oldschool #Pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DM
#DnD5e #warhammer #DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole #polyhedral #miniatures #indexcards #monster
#dnd5e #DnD #5e #P2E #ttrpg #map #cartography #cartographer #dungeonsAndDragons #osr #ose #oldschool #pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpg #roleplayinggame #dm #warhammer #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole #polyhedral #miniatures #indexcards #monster
#ShotglassAdventures #Playtest, session 15 - In the sewers under the city of Ravik, the party battles terrorists threatening to release St.Avon’s Madness on the city above…
#dnd #5e #osr #DnD5e #AdvancedDungeonsAndDragons #DungeonsAndDragons
#ttrpg #ose #oldschool #Pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DM
#warhammer #DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole #polyhedral
#shotglassadventures #playtest #DnD #5e #osr #dnd5e #advanceddungeonsanddragons #dungeonsAndDragons #ttrpg #ose #oldschool #pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpg #roleplayinggame #dm #warhammer #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole #polyhedral
I love fantasy ttrpgs! Here are a few from my collection (yes, I have DnD & Pathfinder, and play them regularly).
What’s your favourite non-DnD fantasy ttrpg?
#dnd #5e #p2e #ttrpg #map #cartography #DungeonsAndDragons
#osr #ose #oldschool #Pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DM
#DnD5e #DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole #polyhedral
#dcc #DungeonCrawlClassics #Zweihander #warhammer #13thAge #DragonWarriors
#capharnaum #monstersandmagic
#DnD #5e #P2E #ttrpg #map #cartography #dungeonsAndDragons #osr #ose #oldschool #pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpg #roleplayinggame #dm #dnd5e #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole #polyhedral #DCC #dungeoncrawlclassics #Zweihander #warhammer #13thage #DragonWarriors #Capharnaum #monstersandmagic
I absolutely love sci fi ttrpgs! Here are a few of my faves from my collection. What’s your favourite sci fi ttrpg?
#dnd #5e #p2e #ttrpg #map #dnd5e DungeonsAndDragons
#osr #ose #oldschool #Pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #RPG #RolePlayingGame #DM
#DnD5e #DungeonsAndDragons5e #CriticalRole #polyhedral
#scifi #sf #sciencefiction #StarWars #traveller #mindjammer #coriolis #FraggedEmpire #Dune
#DnD #5e #P2E #ttrpg #map #dnd5e #osr #ose #oldschool #pathfinder2e #pathfinder #tabletop #tabletopRolePlayingGame #rpg #roleplayinggame #dm #dungeonsanddragons5e #criticalrole #polyhedral #scifi #sf #sciencefiction #starwars #traveller #mindjammer #Coriolis #fraggedempire #dune
All of these dice are over 40+ yrs old, collected in the ‘80’s from various ttrpgs and games. In fact, the small white 6-sided dice are the oldest - over 60 yrs (originally bought by my mum). I’m so glad I kept all of these. Each is like a little history lesson in my hand.
Do you recognise the games some of these came from? (I still have most of them)
#p2e #ttrpg #dice #polyhedral #d20 #DungeonsAndDragons
#pathfinder #DM
#DnD5e #FifthEdition #wotc #ADnD #BasicDnD #osr #oldschool
#P2E #ttrpg #dice #polyhedral #d20 #dungeonsAndDragons #pathfinder #dm #dnd5e #fifthedition #wotc #adnd #basicdnd #osr #oldschool
Emerald Blade Dice Set
7 pcs metal dice set with D4 D6 D8 D% D10 D12 D20. Only a few sets in stock, come get some!
#ttrpg #ttrpgcommunity #ttrpgfamily #dnd #dnd5e #dnddice #dice #dragon #polyhedral #pathfinder
#ttrpg #TTRPGCommunity #ttrpgfamily #DnD #dnd5e #dnddice #dice #dragon #polyhedral #pathfinder
Std. #polyhedral set of #dice in the #turningDice style. #Kerbalspace #game design
#polyhedral #dice #turningdice #kerbalspace #game
@IcarusGames this project for my gaming buddy is almost done. A standard #polyhedral #dice set. #kerbalspace space themed.
#polyhedral #dice #kerbalspace
My profile banner is a photo of the complete 2019 #Chessex Pound-O-Dice #Speckled 7-piece #Polyhedral dice sets
#chessex #speckled #polyhedral #pod
Dang, getting a bio/#introduction up is like writing a dating app profile.
Transgender man; parent to teenagers.
Interested in nature, particularly #insects, #moths, #mushrooms, #reptiles and #amphibians.
Also, geometry and many mathematical patterns, particularly #polyhedral construction, plus a variety of crafts including #quilts and knitting that features cellular automata.
Day job is as a #devops generalist in an academic environment.
#polyhedral #quilts #mushrooms #insects #moths #reptiles #amphibians #devops