New post: getting started using Apache Kafka for messaging, using Python in a Polylith Workspace.
In this article, you will find examples of a nice developer experience while developing event-driven services.
Python tools for the Polylith Architecture v1.7.0 is released to PyPI.
Adding support for verbose output from the poly sync and poly check commands. Useful for analyzing what the source code is actually importing.
Also, fixing the poly check command that was failing to report correctly on the actual missing bricks, only displaying missing third-party imports correctly. 🐛 🙈
A new post, about building modern FastAPI Microservices.
FastAPI is a good choice for developing Python APIs. It’s modern and easy to learn. When I think about it, I could say the same thing about Polylith. In the article, I describe how to combine the two for a nice developer experience.
#microservices #python #polylith #fastapi
New post: GCP Cloud Functions with Python and Polylith
Running a 24/7 running service is sometimes not a good fit for a feature. Serverless functions is an alternative for single-purpose features, and Polylith is a very good choice for this.
My top 16 albums of the week on Listenbrainz/Last.FM! #AmadeusPaulussen #RootsManuva #SvenRånlund #RichardLloyd #GratefulDead #Ludicra #Mudhoney #TriumCirculorum #ATribeCalledQuest #DeadBoys #FfaCoffiPawb #GiantSand #Polylith #ElvisCostello #Listenbrainz #Musicbrainz #LastFM
#amadeuspaulussen #rootsmanuva #svenranlund #richardlloyd #gratefuldead #ludicra #mudhoney #triumcirculorum #atribecalledquest #deadboys #ffacoffipawb #giantsand #polylith #elviscostello #ListenBrainz #musicbrainz #lastfm
Phew 😅
Boiling down a conference talk proposal to max 50 words was a challenge. This is what I finally sent about Python Developer Experience with Polylith.
Developer Experience? For me, it’s about writing code without the hassle. What about Design? Your setup should let you decide that when learned about what to build.
Polylith solves this with a nice setup. We’ll walk through the simplistic architecture & developer-friendly tooling for a joyful Developer Experience.
#monolith #polylith self contained systems , #microservices , #nanoservices and more.
#monolith #polylith #microservices #nanoservices
The Python tools for the Polylith Architecture now has 100 stars on GitHub ⭐️🌟✨😍
I have recorded an improvised video - with live coding - to show how Polylith changes the way you develop Python code. Phew, it is difficult to speak & code at the same time 😅.
In the video, I’m taking the first steps to develop some kind of Dad Joke engine.
The April installment of 'Polylith' has arrived among racing spring clouds. This month we consider the conversation between fire and air, and the uses of poetry spoken aloud.
I’m really happy to have been part of @pythonwebconf and it was fun to share ideas about Monorepos and Polylith (yes, my favorite subject these days) - now I can relax and enjoy the conference ⭐️
Here’s the docs about the Polylith thing that I talked about and showed examples of. Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have feedback or questions! 😍
Another full moon, another installment of 'Polylith' — this one taking a late-winter look at fire's double aspect through Pamela Colman Smith's Queen of Wands tarot card.
#polylith #tarot #heraclitus #esotericism
I have spent the day creating proper documentation for the Open Source Python tools for the Polylith Architecture. 📚
I think there’s some useful info in there now, even if it is far from complete.
Feedback is much appreciated!
One of many talks for #tech savvy #Pythonistas at #PWC2023, @davidvujic goes over the pros and cons of using. monorepos with #Polylith. Learn more and check out other talks here 👉
Conference March 13-17. Register now:
#tech #pythonistas #pwc2023 #polylith #polylith #modular #architecture. Could be wery poverful but on scale require proper tooling and management
#polylith #modular #architecture
I have added a new command to the #Polylith for #Python tool:
poetry poly libs
It will help out keeping track on 3rd party dependencies & the usage of them in a workspace. You’ll get an overview & catch any missing dependencies.
Next up: writing documentation 📚 👨🏻💻
Meanwhile, you’ll find more info here:
I’m one of the speakers at the 5th annual #PythonWebConf (March 13-17).
I’ll be talking about Polylith for Python and the tooling I’ve built for it - “a fresh take on Monorepos in Python”
Here’s a discount for you 😀
#polylith #culture #pydata #cloud #appdev #python #PythonWebConf
The latest installment of 'Polylith' — the first of its fifth year — has arrived under a full moon. Along with a bit of news, we briefly consider the nature of the quincunx, that ubiquitous geometric pattern of five points.