''Other well characterized #mammalian-adaptive #substitutions such as #PB2 627 K or 701N were not present in the #H5N1 viruses from #Bangladesh, however, they did contain PB2-655 V, which has been shown to act cooperatively to increase viral #polymerase activity in human cells46,47.''
#Mammalian #substitutions #pb2 #h5n1 #bangladesh #polymerase
''Analysed HPAI #H5N1 virus #genomes from #cats are almost identical..., suggesting a monophyletic origin and a potential common source of infection. They all carry #mutations associated with #mammalian #adaptation in #polymerase gene (both #PB2-E627K and PB2-K526R), allowing for replication at lower temperatures. An assessment of both the HA and NA genes found no other changes of concern in the sequenced viruses.''
#h5n1 #genomes #cats #mutations #Mammalian #adaptation #polymerase #pb2
#Bacterial single-cell, whole-#genome #sequencing overhauled by engineered #polymerase.
#bacterial #genome #sequencing #polymerase
Very interesting article on #DengueVirus #ReplicationComplex
Structures of dengue virus RNA replicase complexes: Molecular Cell
#polymerase #CryoEM #flaviviridae
#flaviviridae #CryoEM #polymerase #replicationcomplex #denguevirus
Very interesting article on #DengueVirus #ReplicationComplex
Structures of dengue virus RNA replicase complexes: Molecular Cell
#polymerase #CryoEM
#CryoEM #polymerase #replicationcomplex #denguevirus
#CryoEM #structure of the #polyphosphate #polymerase #CryoEM reveals coupling of polymer synthesis to membrane transit
#cryoem #structure #polyphosphate #polymerase
Structure of #monkeypox virus #DNA #polymerase holoenzyme, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.ade6360
Structure of #monkeypox virus #DNA #polymerase holoenzyme, https://doi.org/10.1126/science.ade6360