I missed #PaperOfTheWeek w6 because I was off, busy with life. Won't have much more time this week, so instead go check the latest paper by Lu Zhou, fantastic postdoc in my group:
#SeaIce production in the 2016 and 2017 Maud Rise #Polynyas , in JGR Oceans.
That beast has been 1 5 years in the making and involved broken links, full servers, and many tears of frustration
#polynyas #seaice #paperoftheweek
There it is: https://linkshortner.net/uWkcE
Come to #Sweden and do a #PhD with me on #Arctic #seaice, to figure out why #polynyas open, change shape, and how to detect them via their effect on the #weather.
Deadline to apply = 7 Feb 2023, 23.59 CET.
Reminder from previous toot: 4 year position, starts at 29 kSEK per month + 28 days off per year.
Questions? Contact me here or by email. Do not email me your application though, you have to use the official online tool.
#Fediscience #Weather #polynyas #seaice #arctic #phd #sweden
@Ruth_Mottram Thanks for the live tooting! Otherwise I would not have noticed that #OceanIceEU started today. My tiny contribution to this project relates to sea ice production in #polynyas.