JAMA Patient Page
#Polypharmacy and Deprescribing
📌Polypharmacy is the excessive or unnecessary use of medications.
📌Polypharmacy can affect anyone but is most common in older adults. Other risk factors include having more than 1 doctor prescribing medications, having chronic mental health conditions, and living in a long-term care facility.
A deprescribing trial that didn't produce hoped for results and the nearest I've ever got to a p-value of 1. #RCT #Geriatrics #Pharmacy #Polypharmacy #MedMastodon #Med https://academic.oup.com/biomedgerontology/advance-article/doi/10.1093/gerona/glac249/7000356
#rct #geriatrics #pharmacy #polypharmacy #MedMastodon #med
❓ When is #cardiovascular preventive medication appropriate in older people?
We asked professionals and older people themselves
💊 Stopping #medication and "not starting" are to different concepts!
#cardiovascular #medication #geriatrics #deprescribing #polypharmacy #MedMastodon
So if I'm on sertraline, clonidine, Lyrica, clonazepam, zolpidem, cannabis, muscle relaxants, and pain meds, and my sympathetic nervous system is still working almost twice as hard as my parasympathetic nervous system, doing basic activities of daily living or less, that's kind of a bad sign, right? #hEDS #POTS #MCAS #Autism #PsychMeds #PolyPharmacy #ChronicPain #Exhausted #LowBP #Welltory
#heds #pots #mcas #autism #psychmeds #polypharmacy #chronicpain #exhausted #lowbp #welltory
RT @TonyAvery1
Agree @STEVECHEMIST - ICS specialist referral services would be really helpful for tackling complex #Polypharmacy challenges https://twitter.com/STEVECHEMIST/status/1597953652248805376
Fab session on " Taming the SMR " by Prof Emma Baker Prof Clincial Pharmacologist at St Georges , London Surely all ICS s need to commission a #polypharmacy specialist referral service as we all have limits on our scope of practice ? @TonyAvery1 @PrescQIPP @WessexAHSN @rpharms https://twitter.com/STEVECHEMIST/status/1597877083325497344
Friendly reminder from Dr. House:
"The best delivery of medical care is to do as much nothing as possible."