Em hotep~! Let's talk a little about #Nebthet.
Nebthet (Nebet-Hwt) is a Predynastic (6,000 BCE - 3200 BCE) Deity. She is the goddess of death and mourning, sometimes listed as a river goddess.
One of my favourite aspects of her was a beer goddess the Ancients would pray to for no hangovers the next day. 🤣
She eventually became part of the Iunu (Heliopolis) group, The Ennead, making her the last born and sister to Usir, Heru-Wer, Set, and Iset. Nebthet is famously known for helping Iset in the Usir Myths.
Contrary to some beliefs, Nebthet was a rather popular goddess on her own. She was actually the first deity alongside Set to help fight against The Nope Rope each night. And had her own temples, especially during the New Kingdom.
As a Chief Mortuary deity, Nebthet was one of the protectors of a canopic jar. Specifically of Hapi, who guarded the lungs.
She has many associations from the Bennu, or pheonix, to panthers, leopards, and kites (a type of falcon,) even dolphins!
Nebthet, aside from being an important mortuary goddess, was a fierce protection deity who carried epithets like Eye of Ra and Whose Flame is Painful.
Dua Nebthet. :blobCatHeart:
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(Photo taken by me. This is Nebthet blessing Usir in Nefertari's tomb at the Valley of the Queens.)
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