I don't know who needs to hear this, but keeping the channels of communication open with multiple Joyfriends can sometimes require a scheduling and email assistant.
Balancing my self-care needs with the desires/needs of my Heauxtation+friends+family+WORK can be a calendar challenge to the nth degree.
(Right now, it looks like I won't visit my family until the Fall.)
I don't apologize for spending time with other folks (we all have other folks to spend time with) but I do become keenly aware when too much time has passed between quality time being spent together. (Huh. That syntax was janky.)
Anyway, self-care is just as important (if not more so) as maintaining intimate bonds.
#polytoot #feministandpoly #enm #shenanigans
Also, I need to stop obsessing over the bird in the bush and start paying attention to the several birds in my hand.