in other news, found bristly millipedes (Polyxenida) and snout mites (Bdellidae) on my building's garden wall and was, unfortunately, very weird about it just as neighbours were coming home
#DailyMitePic #Mitestodon #arachnids #mites #Acari #Bdellidae #Myriapoda #Diplopoda #Polyxenida #millipedes
#DailyMitePic #Mitestodon #arachnids #mites #Acari #bdellidae #myriapoda #Diplopoda #polyxenida #millipedes
#InverteFest humblebrag: looked under a chip of rock and saw two tiny yellow-beige dots that in shape reminded me of aphid fundatrices (though much tinier). Hit 'em with the 24x macro clip-on and discovered they were tiny baby bristle millipedes (order Polyxenida)!!!
(For non-crappy photos so you can see what they really look like up close:
#ArthroBeauty #Arthropoda #Myriapoda #Polyxenida #millipedes #macro
#InverteFest #arthrobeauty #Arthropoda #myriapoda #polyxenida #millipedes #macro