The Pomodoro Technique in CI — Ever tried leveraging the Pomodoro Technique for CI? Make a commit and push to the trunk at the end of each focus session. It aligns well with the rhythm of CI. #PomodoroTechnique #ContinuousIntegration
#continuousintegration #pomodorotechnique
Pomodoro Technique for yoga.
Five minute timer, one pose. Go slow. Timer goes off. Stir your tomatoes simmering on the stove. Set another timer. Simmer. Yoga. Stir. Simmer. Yoga. Stir. Repeat until your mason jars are sterilized.
Canning season is in full swing! Yoga is ongoing! Rhythm by tomatoes!
#Yoga #PomodoroTechnique #Tomatoes #TomatoSauce #Canning #CanningFood #MakersGonnaMake #FromScratch #DailyYoga #YogaEveryDamnDay #Pomodoro #PomodoroTimer
#pomodorotimer #pomodoro #yogaeverydamnday #dailyyoga #fromscratch #makersgonnamake #canningfood #canning #tomatosauce #tomatoes #pomodorotechnique #yoga
I just installed a GTK pomodoro app for my GNU/Linux OS.
It's like having an egg timer, but I don't need to manually switch it between the 25min work session and the 5min rest time. It switches between the two automatically, and gives me a desktop notification when each timer runs out.
I love it!
The Pomodoro technique is a great productivity hack, but it might not work for everyone. Finding your own 'Pomodoro' is a journey worth taking. #10xSoftwareDelivery #PomodoroTechnique
#pomodorotechnique #10xsoftwaredelivery
Gold Coast/Queensland authors - and tourists travelling through: Have you heard about 'Writing Sunday'? According to the Gold Coast Writers' Association, it's "a volunteer led space for writers of all levels to come and work on their own projects. This is a great chance for busy weekday people to connect with your local writing community and finish writing your story.
Held on the 1st and 3rd Sunday of each month.
Writing Sundays is a Queensland Writers Centre initiative, following the Pomodoro Technique of 25-minute blocks and 5-minute breaks. Every third 'Pomodoro', there is a 15-minute break to relax and recharge, while having a lunch break too. The idea behind the method is to train the mind into working effectively to reach smaller targets, improving the overall writing time and productivity.
Southport Library, Corner Garden and Lawson Streets, Southport.
#PomodoroTechnique #GoldCoast #Queensland #GoldCoastLibraries #QueenslandWritersCentre #Libraries #WritingCommunity
#Southport #AustralianWriters #AustralianAuthors
#pomodorotechnique #goldcoast #queensland #goldcoastlibraries #queenslandwriterscentre #libraries #writingcommunity #southport #australianwriters #australianauthors
Make Use Of: How to Build Pomodoro Timer App Using Python #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #PomodoroTechnique #Programming #Python
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #pomodorotechnique #programming #python
What Is The Minimalist Pomodoro Technique and Why It Works The Best
I tweaked the Pomodoro Technique to create the Minimalist Pomodoro Technique. They are similar but different. My changes in progress massively improved the positive results in the Pomodoro Technique for me.
I believe my Minimalist Pomodoro Technique
#HumanPerformanceEnhancement #LivingSimple #MinimalistPomodoroTechnique #PomodoroTechnique #Productivity
#humanperformanceenhancement #livingsimple #minimalistpomodorotechnique #pomodorotechnique #productivity
The #PomodoroTechnique makes me so sad...
Don't get me wrong. It makes me very #productive . But I've also realized I can't do close to anything I like during the 5-minute break.
How can anyone #rest in just 5 minutes?? #WhatIsTime #ProductivityTools #RestingIsProductive
#pomodorotechnique #productive #rest #whatistime #productivitytools #restingisproductive
🚀Welcome to the official FocusBox Mastodon! Let's make every second count. Say goodbye to disorganized days and hello to focused goals.
#PomodoroTechnique #ProductivityTools #Productivity #TimeManagement #TimeManagementApp
#pomodorotechnique #productivitytools #productivity #timemanagement #timemanagementapp
I don't make New Year's resolutions; I have a list called "Betterment and Learning." I have been using that for the last maybe ten years. It's just a list you constantly refer to, like your personal constitution. I then use this list to plan by integrating it with the #PomodoroTechnique's activity inventory, which is like your backlog. Then, it ends up on my to-do list for the day, so I can chip away at achieving some goals. Worked very well for me.
Back in the zone to get the amendments done for my thesis. 🤞💪
#PhdDone #pomodorotechnique #phdchat
#phdchat #pomodorotechnique #PhdDone
It is the best customizable pomodoro timer and online timer that works on all devices. It is also called tomato timer or pomodoro tracker. PomoNow app allows you to boost your productivity by focusing on your personalized tasks.
Visit us;-
#timer #25minutetimer #onlinetimer #pomodorotechnique #pomodorotimer #pomodor #pomodoroonline #pomodorotechniquetimer #pomodorotracker #pomofocus #promodoro
#pomodoroonline #pomodorotechniquetimer #pomodorotracker #promodoro #onlinetimer #PomodoroTimer #25minutetimer #timer #pomodorotechnique #pomodor #pomofocus
It is the best customizable pomodoro timer and online timer that works on all devices. It is also called tomato timer or pomodoro tracker. PomoNow app allows you to boost your productivity by focusing on your personalized tasks.
Visit us;-
#timer #25minutetimer #onlinetimer #pomodorotechnique #pomodorotimer #pomodor #pomodoroonline #pomodorotechniquetimer #pomodorotracker #pomofocus #promodoro
#promodoro #pomofocus #pomodorotracker #pomodorotechniquetimer #pomodoroonline #pomodor #pomodorotimer #pomodorotechnique #onlinetimer #25minutetimer #timer
Trying to stick to 25-minute pomodoros while working is a struggle, but I'll get there. 🍅 #PomodoroTechnique
Trying to stick to 25-minute pomodoros while working is a struggle, but I'll get there. 🍅 #PomodoroTechnique
The #PomodoroTechnique is an easy-to-remember way to organise your time when you want to get a particular task done without distraction. And it simply involves setting a timer for 25 minutes, working exclusively on your task until the timer goes off, then taking a five minute break from it. So even if you’ve got right into the swing of it, you must take the break. But during the 25 minutes of focus time, you don’t allow anything else to take a second of your time. Link >
I’m trying the #PomodoroTechnique to see if I like it and it seems to be working so far? (She says after 25 minutes)
Keeping my honest {{accountable}} - Day 2 of my daily 5 minutes of #GermanLanguage #relearning to help support my teen in their language studies #ADHDCombined #adhdisanexplanationnotanexcuse #adhdBodyDoubling #PomodoroTechnique #DuolingoLanguage
#duolingolanguage #pomodorotechnique #adhdbodydoubling #adhdisanexplanationnotanexcuse #adhdcombined #relearning #GermanLanguage
Recently I learned that I very likely have adult #adhd inattentive type, so I've been seeking out different techniques to help mitigate the most frustrating manifestations of it.
I got this #pomodorotechnique style rotating timer, which sets a fresh countdown whenever you rotate it so that number is at the top. It works exactly like I wanted, including lighting up silently since I use it at work.
But, one of the hallmarks of ADHD is difficulty with task switching, so I'm already struggling with ignoring it when I'm in the middle of a thought.