Did some more work on the Churchill County Museum mural this morning and got the Pony Express rider finished and added the label for the Hastings Cutoff.
#Volunteering #Museum #Mural #Painting #History #EmigrantTrails #PonyExpress #Nevada #ChurchillCounty #Fallon
#volunteering #museum #mural #painting #history #emigranttrails #ponyexpress #nevada #churchillcounty #fallon
Today was the "Varsity Volunteers" painting day again so back at it early morning to work on the Churchill County Museum mural. The Nevada Trails is coming along nicely, with the black and grey ghost figures over the artistic representation of the routes emigrants, pioneers, and wagon trains followed crossing the Great Basin.
I worked on the Pony Express rider and had enough time to finish up the "Fallon" label.
#Volunteering #Fallon #Nevada #Painting #Mural #History #CaliforniaEmigrantTrail #OverlandStageRoute #PonyExpress #LincolnHighway
#volunteering #fallon #nevada #painting #mural #history #californiaemigranttrail #overlandstageroute #ponyexpress #lincolnhighway
Original digitally painted photograph of the Pony Express Motel Sign in St. Joseph, Missouri. This motel was torn down sometime in the past decade, and apparently someone had the sense to save the sign and move it to a square near the Pony Express Museum, with the arrow pointing to the museum!
Available to Purchase Here: https://3-pamela-williams.pixels.com/featured/pony-express-motel-sign-in-st-joseph-missouri-pamela-williams.html
#ponyexpress #vintage #sign #digitalart #potd #photography #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt
#ponyexpress #vintage #sign #digitalart #potd #photography #ayearforart #BuyIntoArt
Pony Express statue commemorating the mail delivery service that operated in 1860 to 1861 between Sacramento, California and Saint Joseph, Missouri in the USA. The horseback riders relayed rapid (for that time) delivery over 1,800 miles (2,896 kilometers) between the two points.
#Photography #Infrared #InfraredPhotography #Silhouette #PonyExpress #Statue
#photography #infrared #infraredphotography #silhouette #ponyexpress #statue
3 de Abril de 1860 con una plantilla de 50 jinetes y 500 caballos comienza a operar el servicio de correo Pony Express. Sus jinetes, gracias a las múltiples postas con caballos y jinetes de refresco, podían cruzar el país en 10 días. #efemérides #usa #eeuu #pony #ponyexpress #history #historia #divulgacion
#divulgacion #historia #history #ponyexpress #pony #eeuu #USA #efemerides
Heute mal als #Ponyexpress unterwegs🐎😁
#ponyexpress #lastenrad #lastenfahrrad #secondhand #gebrauchtstattneu
Pony Express commemoration postage stamp
By https://pixels.com/profiles/patricia-hofmeester/shop #WallArt #homedecor #fineart #BuyIntoArt #AYearForArt ##LoveArt #BuyArtNotCandy #photography #ponyexpress #vintage #stamp #postman
#wallart #homedecor #fineart #BuyIntoArt #ayearforart #loveart #buyartnotcandy #photography #ponyexpress #vintage #stamp #postman
Ghost Pony Express
They ride into the night, delivering letters from the dead to the living.
Moonlight is their map.
The ache of loss drives them forward.
Today in #Connecticut History, January 15: The Wallingford Man Who Created the First Mass Communications Network
Read the Story and Subscribe for Daily Updates
#AssociatedPress #BenjaminDay #hartford #HenryAustin #journalism #JuliaDayBeach #masscommunications #mexican-americanwar #MosesYaleBeach #newyorkcity #newspapers #ponyexpress #telegraph #TheSun
#connecticut #associatedpress #benjaminday #hartford #henryaustin #journalism #juliadaybeach #masscommunications #mexican #mosesyalebeach #newyorkcity #newspapers #ponyexpress #telegraph #thesun
@Allan_author_SF go with the ponies, #ponyexpress our Sonny age 40+ might be faster
@GrimmReality @smooheed
I'm old enough to remember when #SMU was the best professional football team in the #DFW area.
En #ValledeSueños 📙 la ruta del #PonyExpress 🐎 ✉️ tiene especial relevancia en la vida del protagonista, Craig, así como en la de Josh 😉
La ruta entre St. Joseph y Sacramento implicaba montar 190 puestos a lo largo de 3106 km.
Breve historia de la ruta aquí 👇
#ValleDeSueños 📙 #CraigyMelissa 💘
#MiSueñoTú 📗 #JoshySusan 💗
#SerieSueños 🌈 #Amazon #kindleUnlimited #literaturaromántica #novelaromántica #románticahistórica #USA #sigloXIX #PonyExpress 🐎 #booktodon #books #esp
#esp #books #booktodon #sigloxix #USA #romanticahistorica #novelaromantica #literaturaromantica #kindleunlimited #amazon #seriesuenos #joshysusan #misuenotu #craigymelissa #ponyexpress #valledesuenos