*water when he was done earning bits in #canterlot he went to the train and return to #ponyvill to do moor snowy jobs*
*it seems she was busy at the moment so he went back to walk around #ponyvill
*after eating he though about what he did today and just realize Somnambula has a home around #canterlot he was supposed to take care of it along with Mage MeadowBrook home geez he has a very slippery mind maybe he should sound moor time in @cantorlot but he do like it in #ponyvill there's well their is no rest for a traveler he just wander if there are easier ways to travel *
*after he was working out in the training hall he decided to come back to #canterlot moor often as he decided to go back to #ponyvill to get some rest from the training he headed towards the train station*
*after he finished he though he see what's hopping in #ponyvill so he tried around to stretch his lags in the snow*
*he was in his home and thought about what he that he knew about #ponyvill it didn't seem difficult but he wanted to travel maybe see #canterlot the place seem a lot bigger when he visited ones*
*he walked back through #ponyvill to see if something sparked his interest he did not do any training today *
*well being snowed in had it upside he hoped all of #ponyvill or even parts of #Equestria did not have this fate he hope some pony like the @EquestrianGuard can help pony's clear the snow but surely they have other things to do then to help anyone but royalty *
*as soon as he went back to #ponyvill he went to the market to wander around the concession stans*