`The spectral figure of the #pooka could also appear in the form of a goat, who lived in the woods and had a tremendous capacity for leaping over fences and other obstacles. One tale describes how a pooka, in the form of a goat, leaped onto a man’s shoulders. When he went home, he took to his bed and was unable to move for three weeks with intense pain, although there was no visible mark from the attack.`
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @Chrystaroth
The Celtic Pooka are shapeshifters, bringers both of good and ill fortune, usually benign but mischievous. They take the form of horses, goats, cats and dogs, and har…
#pooka #celtic #mythology #folklore
#Celtic #FolkloreThursday: `The spectral figure of the #pooka could also appear in the form of a goat, who lived in the woods and had a tremendous capacity for leaping over fences and other obstacles. One tale describes how a pooka, in the form of
RT @Chrystaroth
The Celtic Pooka are shapeshifters, bringers both of good and ill fortune, usually benign but mischievous. They take the form of horses, goats, cats and dogs, and har…
#celtic #folklorethursday #pooka
#Bales2023FilmChallenge April 9: #EasterSunday freebie
James Stewart is Elwood P. Dowd. An ordinary man with an extraordinary claim: his best friend is an invisible, six feet three and a half inches-tall #pooka – a mythological Celtic, shapeshifting creature – who in Mr Dowd's case resembles a rabbit called #Harvey. Elwood's sister and niece, who also occasionally see the furry goblin, have their relative send to a sanatorium where the doctors and us viewers learn more about this curious case.
Harvey (1950), based on Mary Chase's #PulitzerPrize Play with the same name, is guaranteed to bring a smile on your face, this humbug's scout's honour! Have a nice #Easter, CineMastodons!
#film #cinema #HenryKoster #JamesStewart #púca #ShapeShifters #Easter #comedy #drama #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film https://letterboxd.com/12pt9/list/bales2023filmchallenge/
#bales2023filmchallenge #eastersunday #pooka #harvey #pulitzerprize #easter #film #cinema #henrykoster #jamesstewart #puca #shapeshifters #comedy #drama #filmastodon #cinemastodon
#Bales2023FilmChallenge April 9: #EasterSunday freebie
James Stewart is Elwood P. Dowd. An ordinary man with an extraordinary claim: his best friend is an invisible, six feet three and a half inches-tall #pooka – a mythological Celtic, shapeshifting creature – that in Mr Dowd's case resembles a rabbit called #Harvey. Elwood's sister and niece, who also occasionally see the furry goblin, have their relative send to a sanatorium where the doctors and us viewers learn more about this curious case.
Harvey (1950), based on Mary Chase's #PulitzerPrize Play with the same name, is guaranteed to bring a smile on your face, this humbug's scout's honour! Have a nice #Easter, CineMastodons!
#film #cinema #HenryKoster #JamesStewart #púca #ShapeShifters #Easter #comedy #drama #FilMastodon #CineMastodon @film https://letterboxd.com/12pt9/list/bales2023filmchallenge/
#bales2023filmchallenge #eastersunday #pooka #harvey #pulitzerprize #easter #film #cinema #henrykoster #jamesstewart #puca #shapeshifters #comedy #drama #filmastodon #cinemastodon
The #pooka attacked most often after #Samhain, when winter began, and was thought by some to be the cause of plants’ blighting in that season. In its horse form, it would take its victims on a wild ride, flying through the air in terrifying fashion and leaving the unfortunate rider far from where he started.
Source: P. Monaghan `Encyclopedia of #Celtic #Mythology and #Folklore`
RT @Jonafarhat@twitter.com
"The Pooka" #NFT for sale @OmgDrops@twitter.com
Link to buy...
Stylus Painting by Jon Anthony Farhat. The Pooka is a goblin fairy from Celtic folklore of Ireland. A Pooka can take the form of any animal or human, but most often seen as a horse or bull.
#pooka #samhain #celtic #mythology #folklore #nft
#プーカ #Пука #pooka #ショート娘 #shortstack #妖精 #フェアリー #fairy #fantasy #人外娘 #亜人 #モンスター娘 #女モンスター #獣人 #monstergirl #メスケモ #furry #尻尾 #洞角 #変身 #變身 #近親相姦 #кровосмешение #Инцест #incest #姉弟 #シスコン #ブラコン #sister #brother #brothersister #sibcest #wincest #doublelove #consang #ディープキス #kiss #異人種間 #interracial #BWWM #swirl #褐色 #褐色娘 #黒人 #blackgirl #ebony #darkskin #金髪 #blonde #立ちバック #doggystyle #爆乳 #breasts #巨乳 #bigbreasts #tits #垂れ乳 #hangers #hängetitten #udders #euter #comic #MalcolmD #MalcolmDouglas
#プーカ #Пука #pooka #ショート娘 #shortstack #妖精 #フェアリー #fairy #fantasy #人外娘 #亜人 #モンスター娘 #女モンスター #獣人 #monstergirl #メスケモ #furry #尻尾 #洞角 #変身 #變身 #近親相姦 #кровосмешение #инцест #incest #姉弟 #シスコン #ブラコン #sister #brother #brothersister #sibcest #wincest #doublelove #consang #ディープキス #kiss #異人種間 #interracial #bwwm #swirl #褐色 #褐色娘 #黒人 #blackgirl #ebony #darkskin #金髪 #blonde #立ちバック #doggystyle #爆乳 #breasts #巨乳 #bigbreasts #tits #垂れ乳 #hangers #hängetitten #udders #euter #comic #MalcolmD #MalcolmDouglas
In ritardo col #giochedì vi presento, generosamente illustrato da Domenico Neziti, Rossanube da Nessunposto, impareggiabile spadaccino, ispirato poeta, narratore di chiara fama, beniamino delle Eumenidi e gentilvolpe alla Corte Seelie delle Fate.
E soprattutto un bugiardo e un cialtrone di ultima, come ogni Pooka che si rispetti.
Uhm, sì, potreste trovare qualche vaga somiglianza con l'outfit nel mio avatar.