This reminds me of an incident in a #MMORPG called #AsheronsCall back in the day. A bunch of high level people debuffed themselves and let a bunny in the newbie area kill them. NPCs leveled just like players, so the bunny became extremely high level. It ended up slaughtering new players for a couple days before the admins figured out what was happening. They eventually created an area boss named #Pookie, being a bunny at level 666 in acknowledgement of the incident. It was hilarious. (c o l)
🤩🎶 #RATP #ligne6
RT @SergeLapinRATP :
Bien et toi ? Prête pour ce soir ?🤩 PS. À tous les chanceux qui vont se déhancher sur “#Pookie” ce soir à l’/Accor_Arena, n’oubliez pas de prendre la @Ligne6_RATP et de descendre à la station #Bercy ! @AyaNakamuraa #SergeLeLapin #RATP
🤖 26/05 15:26
#RATP #Ligne6 #pookie #bercy #sergelelapin
RT @SergeLapinRATP :
Bien et toi ? Prête pour ce soir ?🤩 PS. À tous les chanceux qui vont se déhancher sur “#Pookie” ce soir à l’@Accor_Arena, n’oubliez pas de prendre la @Ligne6_RATP et de descendre à la station #Bercy ! @AyaNakamuraa #SergeLeLapin #RATP
RT @AyaNakamuraa :
Ca va ou quoi Paris ? 😎
🤖 26/05 15:21
#pookie #bercy #sergelelapin #RATP
Happy Caturday! #caturday #happycaturday #pookie #bribedontomylap
#caturday #happycaturday #pookie #bribedontomylap
I still think the Woodland Park Zoo should have pandas, but today I got to see the bear cubs that recently moved to the zoo from Alaska & Montana. The zoo thinks their names are Jumper & Fern, but I know them to be Pookie 1 & 2. At less than a year, they are larger than an adult panda #BeTheBear #NewHere #Pookie @TerpieCat @law_geek @mommymei98 @ctay93 @pandalovergloria @winkycat
HeadphonesNeil Reviews
#podcast #WesleySnipes #NinoBrown #IceT #ScottyAppleton #ChrisRock #Pookie #GeeMoney #NickPeretti #DuhDuhDuhMan #FlavorFlav #MarioVanPeebles
#mariovanpeebles #flavorflav #duhduhduhman #nickperetti #geemoney #pookie #chrisrock #scottyappleton #icet #ninobrown #wesleysnipes #podcast #newjackcity
Quand le roi s’entretient avec la reine
#kaamelott #AyaNakamura #rap #pookie #humour #detendstoi #astier #arthur #nrg #skyrock #cava #news #gang #horsgame
#horsgame #gang #news #cava #skyrock #nrg #arthur #astier #detendstoi #humour #pookie #rap #ayanakamura #kaamelott