Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

"3 days to go for JE VEUX NAGER, we are at 95%! Here are 3️⃣ of our ambitions we want to realize with your support! must remain open as a testbed for the future of in :
1️⃣ We want organize even more swimming courses for children and adults after the many requests we received this year. Knowing how to swim is the first step to water safety for a lifetime! (Picture: swimming course at FLOW this summer)
2️⃣ A will continue the FLOW season throughout the colder season, with the pool to cool down after socializing in the heat of the sauna. (Picture: kids from the neighborhood enjoy Koti Sauna that visited FLOW during the Flow Up festival with )
3️⃣ The natural water treatment with plant filters will be a first in Brussels and allows us to skip chemicals, to save energy and to keep FLOW open all around the year. (Picture: the natural filter of the swimming pond in Antwerp, the first public natural pool in Belgium)
▶︎ Build with us on the future of Brussels for all Brusseleirs, support JE VEUX NAGER via growfunding.be/pooliscool tell it to your friends and families!"

#bruxelles #brussel #zwemmen #baignade #pooliscool #jeveuxnager #Boekenberg #Zinnema #sauna #brussels #swimming #outdoor #flow

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

Le crowdfunding de et est à 80% Il reste 10 jours pour soutenir la seule piscine extérieure à , doublée d'un projet social vraiment trop rare. growfunding.be/fr/projects/poo

#bruxelles #flow #pooliscool

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

, la campagne et le crowdfunding continuent, "soutenir une installation permanente du en plein air baptisé , en bordure de à . Cinq groupes de musique bruxellois ont notamment collaboré avec le collectif pour soutenir le projet via la réalisation de cinq reprises différentes de la chanson “Je veux ” d’"

#bruxelles #arno #nager #anderlecht #canal #flow #bassin #pooliscool

Last updated 2 years ago

Pierre Huyghebaert · @crickxson
686 followers · 1771 posts · Server post.lurk.org

New director of the Port of positive about in the
was recently appointed as new director general of the Port of Brussels for the next five years. [...] 'In addition to the economy, recreation, and the residential and green function are becoming very important. Now it is a and that is exactly where it ends. The Brussels region is green, but something is missing on the . People need a connection to the water.' [...] 'En Scandinavie, j'ai vu que la qualité de l'eau était exécrable il y a 20 ans et maintenant les gens s'y baignent. Pour ma part, je pense qu'il y a trop peu d'installations de . Se dans le canal, pourquoi pas ? Mais n'oublions pas que le port est un moteur économique. La baignade en semaine ? Je ne sais pas si c'est faisable. Mais ceci dit, il n'est pas impossible de se baigner dans le canal. Regardons cela sans tabous'."

#baigner #baignade #water #waterway #GertVanderEken #pooliscool #canal #swimming #brussels

Last updated 3 years ago