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over the idea of vaccinating some of Manatee County’s ahead of everyone else, Gov. to send future sites elsewhere.

Speaking at a Wednesday morning press conference at the temporary Premier Sports Campus drive-thru site, DeSantis argued that any additional shots for seniors are a benefit, noting that the 3,000 are in addition to the county’s regular weekly allotment.

“If Manatee County doesn’t like us doing this, then we are totally fine putting this in counties that want it. We’re totally happy to do that,” DeSantis said. “Anyone that’s saying that, let us know if you want us to send it to Sarasota or Charlotte or Pasco or wherever, let us know — we’re happy to do it.”

“But I think most people — we have an opportunity to bring vaccine and do it efficiently — I think they’re going to want it,” he continued. “There’s folks that are going to complain about getting vaccines, I’ll tell you what, I’d be thankful because you know what? We didn’t need to do this at all. We saw a need and wanted to get the numbers up for seniors.”


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#BRADENTON_HERALD #LAKEWOOD_RANCH #Memory_Lane #Facing_criticism #wealthiest_residents #Ron_DeSantis #threatened #pop_up #vaccination #shots #going_to #residents

Last updated 2 years ago



over the idea of some of ’s ahead of everyone else??

OF !

Gov. to send future sites elsewhere.

Speaking at a Wednesday morning press conference at the temporary Premier Sports Campus drive-thru site, DeSantis argued that any additional shots for seniors are a benefit, noting that the 3,000 are in addition to the county’s regular weekly allotment.

“If Manatee County doesn’t like us doing this, then we are totally fine putting this in counties that want it. We’re totally happy to do that,” DeSantis said. “Anyone that’s saying that, let us know if you want us to send it to Sarasota or Charlotte or Pasco or wherever, let us know — we’re happy to do it.”

“But I think most people — we have an opportunity to bring vaccine and do it efficiently — I think they’re going to want it,” he continued. “There’s folks that are going to complain about getting vaccines, I’ll tell you what, I’d be thankful because you know what? We didn’t need to do this at all. We saw a need and wanted to get the numbers up for seniors.”


Disclaimer: tastingtraffic.net (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #BRADENTON_HERALD #LAKEWOOD_RANCH #Facing_criticism #vaccinating #Manatee_County #wealthiest_residents #PROOF #racism #Ron_DeSantis #threatened #pop_up #vaccination #shots #going_to #residents

Last updated 2 years ago


to from . county that him of favoring |

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis threatened to coronavirus vaccine from a county whose officials criticized him for opening a pop-up vaccination site limited to residents of an affluent, .

from the after the state's clinics in the were to that are two of the and in the , according to the .

Both zip codes are more than 90% with median incomes $100,000, according to .

Manatee County told the Herald that the clinics were set up in and after DeSantis $spoke with Lakewood Ranch , a .

"You're taking the and in County and putting them ," County Commissioner Misty Servia, a Republican, said during a meeting this week.

"This is for of , regardless of what district or population we represent because it makes our ," said , a Democrat.


Disclaimer: tastingtraffic.net (Decentralized SOCIAL Network) and/or its owners [tastingtraffic.com] are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used. This is NOT an endorsement OR Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#INTERNATIONAL_TECH_NEWS #Ron_DeSantis #Threatens #pull #vaccine #florida #accused #Wealthy_Whites #divert #doses #mostly_white_community #Manatee_County_officials #Both_Parties #criticized #Republican_Governor #pop_up #area #limited #two_zip_codes #richest #least_impacted #county #BRADENTON_HERALD #white #over #WTVT #Commissioner #Vanessa_Baugh #LAKEWOOD_RANCH #other_wealthy_areas #developer #Rex_Jensen #campaign_donor #whitest_demographic #richest_demographic #Manatee #before_everyone_else #Bad #all #us #System #look_bad #County_Commissioner #Reggie_Bellamy

Last updated 2 years ago

DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13742 posts · Server masthead.social
DavidV.TV Social ® · @DavidVTV
86 followers · 13753 posts · Server masthead.social

| MEMORY LANE | | | over the idea of some of ’s ahead of everyone else??

Gov. to send future sites elsewhere.


Disclaimer: DavidV.TV and/or its owners (Tastingtraffic LLC) are not affiliates of this provider or referenced image used and this is NOT a Sponsored (Paid) Promotion/Reshare.

#vaccination #pop_up #threatened #Ron_DeSantis #wealthiest_residents #Manatee_County #vaccinating #Facing_criticism #LAKEWOOD_RANCH #BRADENTON_HERALD #BIG_GOV

Last updated 3 years ago

POUJOL-ROST Mathias ✅ · @poujolrost
273 followers · 10759 posts · Server mstdn.jp

Dark Patterns after the : Scraping Pop-ups and Demonstrating their

Midas Nouwens, Ilaria Liccardi, Michael Veale, David Karger, Lalana Kagal



Via (French): nitter.fdn.fr/AntonioCasilli/s

#ux #pop_up #popup #extorsion #theft #darkpatterns #dataprotection #europe #influence #consent #gdpr

Last updated 4 years ago