The obsession of top anti-gay Catholic leaders with homosexuality — with condemning and punishing LGBTQ human beings — is a wonder to behold. Reports are now appearing (see the linked article) which state that former Pope Benedict is, beyond the grave, still leading the charge against the gays, with claims that Catholic seminaries are over-run with gay clubs. Supposedly Pope Francis is responsible.
#Catholic #PopeBenedict #homophobia
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#catholic #popebenedict #homophobia
Telling the truth about Benedict's legacy re: clerical sexual abuse of minors, and commentary on Cardinal Pell's legacy re: abuse ….
#PopeBenedict #CardinalPell #SexualAbuse
#popebenedict #cardinalpell #SexualAbuse
"In over 25 years as the most powerful religious figure on the planet, John Paul II did almost nothing to safeguard kids worldwide. He repeatedly and effectively brought his unparalleled global influence to bear on other crucial issues but ignored or promoted stunningly complicit church officials. So Pope Benedict may indeed have ‘done more’ on abuse than his predecessor. But did he do BETTER than his predecessor? Not likely."
#PopeBenedict #PopeJohnPaulII #SexualAbuse
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#popebenedict #popejohnpaulii #SexualAbuse
"If the deceased or retiring CEO or bishop or school principal mishandled 95% of all abuse reports and if his or her successor mishandled only 90% of all abuse reports, then should the successor be praised?
That can’t be the standard of judgment when it comes to the well-being of children – that the current boss ‘did more’ than the old boss did regarding kids’ safety, so everything’s fine?"
#PopeBenedict #PopeJohnPaulII #SexualAbuse
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#popebenedict #popejohnpaulii #SexualAbuse
Horowitz writes,
"Without getting down in the weeds, let’s assume this is true. Let’s assume that on abuse, Benedict ‘did more’ than his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, about clergy sex crimes and cover-ups. But that’s not saying much. And that expectation – that the following official only needs to do ‘more’ at protecting kids than their predecessor.:
#PopeBenedict #Sexual Abuse
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Adam Horowitz calls Catholic media types onto the carpet for misrepresenting and prettifying the legacy of Pope Benedict vis-a-vis clerical sexual abuse of minors. Horowitz says that one reporter after another is saying, following Benedict's death, "Maybe Benedict didn’t do as much as he could have, but he did more than any other pope had up until that point.”
#PopeBenedict #Sexual Abuse
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Politico Reporter Exits After Tweet Slamming #PopeBenedict as ‘Pedophile Protector and #Hitler Youth Alumnus’ #journalism meets #truth causing #firing / #catholic church abusers
#popebenedict #hitler #journalism #truth #firing #catholic
#PopeBenedict XVI funeral: #PopeFrancis leads funeral for predecessor, a first in modern times - CNN
THURSDAY NEWS IN A RUSH: Top headlines in today’s NewsMinute video
The top stories from around the globe you’ll be talking about today in a 60-second clip
#newsconeeds #nopaywallhere #speakervote #popebenedict
Catholic priest #BernardLynch condemns #PopeBenedict: During AIDS crisis, #Benedict opposed condom use, forced AIDS organisations out of church property & declared that LGBTs were not entitled to human rights. Result: many suicides
#bernardlynch #popebenedict #benedict
Watching the Old Pope's requiem mass on YouTube. Two not very serious observations:
1) the New Pope looks old and tired, poor fella
2) South Asian prelates have the best hats
#popebenedict #popefrancis #catholicism #liturgy #religion
@UCANews RT by @benedictrogers: The world needs to read the messages of #PopeBenedictXVI’s encyclicals at the end of a grim year, for #Myanmar, #HongKong, #China and #NorthKorea in particular, writes @benedictrogers. #PopeBenedict #PopeEmeritusBenedictXVI #BenedettoXVI #HumanRights
#popebenedictxvi #myanmar #hongkong #china #northkorea #popebenedict #popeemeritusbenedictxvi #benedettoxvi #humanrights
"While the number of visitors was large, there were no signs of the huge crowds who came to pay their respects to Pope John Paul II, when millions waited for hours to enter the basilica."
Tens of thousands view body of former #PopeBenedict | #CatholicChurch | Rappler
People pay respects to former Pope Benedict in St. Peter’s
#BenedictXVI #PopeBenedict #StPeters
just the news you need, in seconds
#benedictxvi #popebenedict #stpeters
Just one of the reasons that I shed no tears when #PopeBenedict
died - good riddance.
His cruelty to this child & intolerance to other religions amongst many other things made me ashamed to be #Catholic.
Pure #evil.
#BenedictXVI #PopeBenedictXVI #PopeBenedict,8599,1883598,00.html
#popebenedict #catholic #evil #benedictxvi #popebenedictxvi
Pope Benedict XVI dies. Today’s cartoon by Timo Essner. More cartoons:
Lots of people criticizing #PopeBenedict for being in the Hitler Youth.
He was a child during WWII. He was just doing what the adults around him told him to do, just like how my kids today are only in Scouts because I signed them up. They didn't sign up. Don't blame the kids.
There is plenty to critique Pope Benedict for as an adult. Here, I'll help: He actively covered up the widespread sexual abuse of children in the Church. (And possibly contributed.)
There. Critique him for that.
"As head of the Congregation of the Doctrine of Faith under John Paul II, he acted as the Pope’s chief global fixer, shielding bishops from criminal, civil, and moral accountability for conducting themselves the same way he did as Archbishop of Munich. As Pope, his history finally caught up with him, and he resigned before the full extent of his role in these crimes had emerged."
#PopeBenedict #Catholic #sexualabuse
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#popebenedict #catholic #SexualAbuse