@UCANews RT by @benedictrogers: In memory of #PopeBenedictXVI, and in hope for a better future for the people – and the Church – in #China, let us resolve to devote this week to praying, writes @benedictrogers. #HumanRights https://www.ucanews.com/news/for-a-better-future-for-the-people-and-the-church-in-china/101411 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/UCANews/status/1661379022344036352#m
#popebenedictxvi #china #humanrights
Happy 17th anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI receiving a white 2GB iPod Nano from Vatican Radio staff!
#HabemusiPod #PopeBenedictXVI #iPodNano #VaticanRadio #HappyAnniversary #YouCanBeThePresidentIdRatherBeThePope
#habemusipod #popebenedictxvi #ipodnano #vaticanradio #happyanniversary #youcanbethepresidentidratherbethepope
New Yorker: Pope Francis Speaks Out on Homosexuality—and Further Angers Traditionalists https://www.newyorker.com/news/daily-comment/pope-francis-speaks-out-on-homosexuality-and-further-angers-traditionalists #NewYorker #News/DailyComment #News/OnReligion #PopeBenedictXVI #CatholicChurch #PopeFrancis #Vatican #Popes
#newyorker #news #popebenedictxvi #catholicchurch #popefrancis #Vatican #popes
My latest discourse with the critical theorist and Catholic theologian, Dr. Rudolf J. Siebert, is now available. In this introspective video, we discuss Siebert’s many commonalities with Joseph Ratzinger, i.e., Pope Benedict XVI, as well as other topics, such as the Roman Inquisition, Liberation Theology, and the reason for the Pope’s retirement, etc. #PopeBenedictXVI #vatican #religion #philosophy #theology https://dustinjbyrd.org/2023/01/18/pope-benedict-xvi-from-the-third-reich-to-the-papacy/
#popebenedictxvi #vatican #religion #philosophy #theology
RT @jfinn6511
#PopeBenedictXVI personally covered up priestly sex abuse, blaming the crisis on the "the gays" instead of bishops like him. He decreed against medical evidence that #gay people are disordered. He de-humanized #LGBTQ people.
Truth in journalism, please?
Black servant defeats Bear. In Freising, Germany, this coat of arms has been used by bishops for over 1,000 years. It was also used by #PopeBenedictXVI. Legend tells of an Abraham of Freising’s encounter with a bear & how his Black servant defeated it. He rewarded him by depicting him on town’s coa #History #Histodon #Histodons #Education #Germany #German #BlackMastodon #BlackHistory #MedievalHistory #MiddleAges #BlackTwitter #BlackFediverse #BlackLivesMatter
#popebenedictxvi #history #histodon #histodons #education #germany #german #blackmastodon #BlackHistory #medievalhistory #middleages #blacktwitter #blackfediverse #blacklivesmatter
#TruthtoPower Shining light on the #authoritarian legacy of #CardinalRatzinger / #PopeBenedictXVI 's career: https://dailymeditationswithmatthewfox.org/category/josef-ratzinger/
#truthtopower #authoritarian #cardinalratzinger #popebenedictxvi
The funeral of #PopeBenedictXVI was dignified, if a bit threadbare.
The music was good, but that the the EP & lectionary (other than the psalm, of course) were unsung is sad, & a touch embarrassing.
(#PopeFrancis looked in startlingly ill health.)
I think Benedict, one of the towering intellects of our age, & a deeply humble and holy man, is perhaps the most slandered & unjustly maligned public figure in my lifetime.
Variously this occurs because others have deliberately misrepresented his...
Vatikanski SOS
Naslovnica, ki je bila narejena pred desetimi leti po odstopu Papeža Benedikta XVI.
J. A. Ratzinger (1927–2023)
#poperatzinger #popebenedictxvi
Pope presides over funeral Benedict XVI
#2popes #PopeBenedictXVI #Funeral
just the news you need, in seconds
#2popes #popebenedictxvi #funeral
RT @CatholicNewsSvc@twitter.com
After the funeral of #PopeBenedictXVI a sign calling for him to be declared a saint.
"The Lord wins in the end." (Pope Benedict XVI)
#popebenedictxvi #catholicquotes
"Pope Benedict XVI’s most important and longest-lasting contribution to the Catholic Church was not his theological rigidity, his writings or his intellectual prowess. It was his wisdom to recognize his own limitations."
#PopeBenedictXVI's burial won't stop Catholic infighting | #CatholicChurch #PopeFrancis | MSNBC
#popefrancis #catholicchurch #popebenedictxvi
Thousands pour into St. Peter's for funeral of Benedict XVI https://apnews.com/article/religion-vatican-city-frank-walter-steinmeier-sergio-mattarella-germany-b660406a0c07d50ba34408a40becc428 #Frank-WalterSteinmeier #SergioMattarella #PopeBenedictXVI #VaticanCity #APTopNews #WorldNews #Religion #Germany
#Germany #religion #worldnews #aptopnews #vaticancity #popebenedictxvi #SergioMattarella #frank
Recently author George Weigel recounted an interview with Benedict XVI; Weigel asked: "Why is Thérèse of Lisieux a Doctor of the Church?" First Things has granted us permission to publish excerpts.
:blobcatcoffee: Learn why!
#PopeBenedictXVI #StThereseOfLisieux #DoctorOfTheChurch #FirstThings #interview #GeorgeWeigel #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #georgeweigel #interview #firstthings #doctorofthechurch #stthereseoflisieux #popebenedictxvi
RT @CatholicNewsSvc@twitter.com
Vatican says some 3,700 priests have indicated they will concelebrate the funeral of #PopeBenedictXVI tomorrow. (This Paul Haring photo is from Benedict's Mass in 2010 concluding the Year for Priests)
Benedict XVI wrote: “Thérèse died on the evening of 30 September 1897, saying the simple words, ‘My God, I love you!’, looking at the Crucifix she held tightly in her hands.”
On the morning of 31 December 2022, Benedict XVI’s last words were: “Lord, I love you.”
:ablobcatwave: Read more on our blog!
#PopeBenedictXVI #WestminsterCathedral #paschalcandle #votive #candles #poinsettias #RequiemMass #StThereseOfLisieux #Catholic #Carmelite #quotes
© Mazur/cbcew.org.uk
#quotes #carmelite #catholic #stthereseoflisieux #requiemmass #poinsettias #candles #votive #paschalcandle #westminstercathedral #popebenedictxvi
An account of Benedict's papacy to be sealed in his coffin https://apnews.com/article/pope-francis-religion-vatican-city-028fc72798b9fddfb0009a4ec783c340 #Funeralsandmemorialservices #PopeBenedictXVI #PopeFrancis #VaticanCity #WorldNews #Religion #Europe
#Europe #religion #worldnews #vaticancity #popefrancis #popebenedictxvi #funeralsandmemorialservices
@UCANews RT by @benedictrogers: The world needs to read the messages of #PopeBenedictXVI’s encyclicals at the end of a grim year, for #Myanmar, #HongKong, #China and #NorthKorea in particular, writes @benedictrogers. #PopeBenedict #PopeEmeritusBenedictXVI #BenedettoXVI #HumanRights https://www.ucanews.com/news/pope-benedicts-writings-on-love-hope-and-truth/99908 https://nitter.hongkongers.net/UCANews/status/1610146562868379648#m
#popebenedictxvi #myanmar #hongkong #china #northkorea #popebenedict #popeemeritusbenedictxvi #benedettoxvi #humanrights
Recalling Benedict’s grace but also the storms of his papacy https://apnews.com/article/pope-benedict-xvi-religion-vatican-city-lebanon-syria-74bb1027a0bac8764819ff4975d2ccfd #PopeBenedictXVI #PopeJohnPaulII #VaticanCity #APTopNews #WorldNews #Religion #Lebanon #Europe #Syria #Rome
#rome #Syria #Europe #lebanon #religion #worldnews #aptopnews #vaticancity #popejohnpaulii #popebenedictxvi