Popeye El Deso De Pilon #32 - Ediciones Buru Lan (Spain) 1973
#popeye #popeyethesailor #popeyecomics #internationalcomics #sharks #sharkweek #comics #comicsinspanish #spanishcomics #kingfeatures #kingfeaturessyndicate
#kingfeaturessyndicate #kingfeatures #spanishcomics #comicsinspanish #comics #sharkweek #sharks #internationalcomics #popeyecomics #popeyethesailor #popeye
Popeye El Deso De Pilon #34 - Ediciones Buru Lan (Spain) 1973
#popeye #popeyethesailor #popeyecomics #internationalcomics #sharks #sharkweek #comics #comicsinspanish #spanishcomics #kingfeatures #kingfeaturessyndicate
#kingfeaturessyndicate #kingfeatures #spanishcomics #comicsinspanish #comics #sharkweek #sharks #internationalcomics #popeyecomics #popeyethesailor #popeye
RT @PopeyeTweetsk@twitter.com
That's all I can stands, 'cause I can't stands no more!
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopeyeTweetsk/status/1554575020625723393
RT @PopeyeTweetsk@twitter.com
Blow me down. The swob hask turned ink'to an infink.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopeyeTweetsk/status/1554511106445549568
RT @PopeyeTweetsk@twitter.com
This feller can'tsk get enough!
See more of me comics online witsk the link in me bio. ⚓💪🏻
#popeye #popeyecomics #popeyethesailorman #comics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopeyeTweetsk/status/1544377584154288128
#Comics #popeyethesailorman #popeyecomics #popeye
TV Comic #994 - Polystyle Publications Limited (UK) - Jan 2, 1971
Popeye - (Baby Buggy) - 1 page comic
#popeye #popeyecomics #comics #tvcomic #tvcomics #ukcomics #internationalcomics
#internationalcomics #ukcomics #TVComics #tvcomic #comics #popeyecomics #popeye
RT @PopeyeTweetsk@twitter.com
Ye wud probably have better luck witsk a hamburger! Arf! Arf! Arf!
📜: "WHO AM I"
#Popeye #popeyethesailorman #popeyethesailor #popeyecomics #comics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopeyeTweetsk/status/1522282507160412162
#Comics #popeyecomics #popeyethesailor #popeyethesailorman #popeye
Popeye #7 - Editora Abril (Brazil) 1979
#popeye #braziliancomics #internationalcomics #comics #popeyecomics #editoaabril #oliveoyl
#oliveoyl #editoaabril #popeyecomics #comics #internationalcomics #braziliancomics #popeye
RT @PopeyeTweetsk@twitter.com
Ye is better than this Wimpy! 😭
📜: "WHO AM I"
#Popeye #popeyethesailorman #popeyethesailor #popeyecomics #comics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopeyeTweetsk/status/1521586653340577795
#Comics #popeyecomics #popeyethesailor #popeyethesailorman #popeye
RT @PopeyeTweetsk@twitter.com
Who's team are ye on, Olive?! 😤😭
📜: "WHO AM I"
#Popeye #popeyethesailorman #popeyethesailor #popeyecomics #comics
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/PopeyeTweetsk/status/1519421167882407937
#Comics #popeyecomics #popeyethesailor #popeyethesailorman #popeye