Ein unfassbar gemütlicher Abend mit dem Sega Mega CD startet in 10 Minuten :) Das Mega CD hat vollkommen unverdient den Ruf eines Rohrkrepierers. Wir schauen uns heute Abend die eine oder andere Perle an die damals nicht jeder auf dem Schirm hatte. #retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #megadrive #genesis #blastprocessing #megacd #segamegacd #silpheed #finalfightcd #popfulmail
#retro #retrogaming #retrogamer #retrogames #twitch #twitchdeutschland #twitchstream #streamer #megadrive #genesis #blastprocessing #megacd #segamegacd #silpheed #finalfightcd #popfulmail
Tonight’s 30 minutes: Attempted (and failed) to get past a boss in Popful Mail. There is no attack pattern, post-hit invincibility is too short so 1 hit turns into 3, and I have to kill the head separately which turns back into the full gollum if not killed? 10 year old Ryan would not have had the patience for this game. #segacd #retrogaming #popfulmail #jrpg
#segacd #retrogaming #popfulmail #jrpg
ok i'm gonna randomly post old and recent pictures of characters from various obscure jrpgs that aren't FFIX here goes
❣️ #legrandlegacy (ERIS)
❣️ #popfulmail
❣️ #lunar #lunarsilverstarstory #lunarsilverstarharmony #lunarsilverstar (NASH)
❣️ #lennus #paladinsquest (CHEZNI)
#legrandlegacy #popfulmail #lunar #lunarsilverstarstory #lunarsilverstarharmony #lunarsilverstar #lennus #paladinsquest #art #FanArt
ok i'm gonna randomly post old and recent pictures of characters from various obscure jrpgs that aren't FFIX here goes
❣️ #legrandlegacy (ERIS)
❣️ #popfulmail
❣️ #lunar #lunarsilverstarstory #lunarsilverstarharmony #lunarsilverstar (NASH)
❣️ #lennus #paladinsquest (CHEZNI)
#legrandlegacy #popfulmail #lunar #lunarsilverstarstory #lunarsilverstarharmony #lunarsilverstar #lennus #paladinsquest #art #FanArt