RT @ia4phs@twitter.com
Overcome impostor syndrome & anxiety in population health grant writing. Join our webinar (2/16 Thu, 12p-1:30p ET) to hear from past presidents of IAPHS on how their "failures" led to valuable lessons. Register now! #pophealth #grantwriting http://bit.ly/3CXBQQ3
RT @ia4phs@twitter.com
Would you like to disseminate your science thru #socialmedia? Check out our next Research to Action #webinar on Mar 2 at noon ET, “Speaking Science on Social Media” features panelists @RMCarpiano@twitter.com @bryanobuckley@twitter.com @JuliaRaifman@twitter.com @ProfAlang@twitter.com. https://bit.ly/3osojZL #pophealth #scicomm
#socialmedia #webinar #pophealth #scicomm
Good read...
What’s standing in the way of wastewater data becoming a more mainstream public health tool
#PopHealth #medsoc #policy #PublicHealth #COVID19
#pophealth #medsoc #policy #publichealth #COVID19
This week, #CMS issued guidance on a new opportunity for states to address #Medicaid managed care beneficiaries’ health-related social needs (HRSN, i.e., social determinants of health) through the use of “in lieu of services and settings.” States may offer alternative benefits that address a range of unmet HRSNs to help enrollees maintain their coverage and to improve their health outcomes. State Medicaid Director Letter: https://www.medicaid.gov/federal-policy-guidance/downloads/smd23001.pdf #SDoH #pophealth
#pophealth #SDOH #medicaid #cms
South Carolina Supreme Court's "3-2 decision will mean the state’s six-week abortion ban with exceptions for rape and incest will be immediately and permanently struck down. Abortion will remain legal in South Carolina up until 22 weeks of pregnancy."
#PopHealth #PublicHealth
US Justice Dept pronouncement no complete guarantee of legal immunity for ppl involved in sending/receiving abortion drugs in states that restrict them. Doesn't preclude state laws to charge ppl & address if such acts violate fed laws beyond Comstock Act.
#policy #abortion #PublicHealth #PopHealth
#policy #abortion #publichealth #pophealth
Quite a read on pandemic preparedness for the ultra-wealthy and the paradoxes such a investments entail...
#PopHealth #PublicHealth #Sociology
#pophealth #publichealth #sociology
Terrific, informative historical read... Nicely elaborates on a point I've stressed the entire pandemic: Libertarian values are a key element of American culture and history, making state & even community pandemic response all the more challenging.
https://currentpub.com/2022/12/28/unhealthy-by-design/ #policy #covid19 #PopHealth #medsoc #soctwitter #vaccineswork #PublicHealth
#policy #COVID19 #pophealth #medsoc #soctwitter #vaccineswork #publichealth
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis further panders to the fringe and poisons the science well with his latest anti-vaccine attention stunt...
Arkansas GOP Gov. Asa Hutchinson: "We shouldn't undermine science, we shouldn't undermine the medical community that's very important to our public health.”
#policy #PublicHealth #VaccinesWork #PopHealth #scicomm
#policy #publichealth #vaccineswork #pophealth #scicomm
New Zealand's new anti-smoking policies take effect 1/1/23--3 big interventions:
1. illegal to sell combustible tobacco products to ppl born in 2009 or later
2. reducing # of licensed tobacco retailers from 6k currently to 600 maximum
3. lower cigarette nicotine content to below addictive levels.
#PublicHealth #PopHealth #Policy #Health #Medicine
#publichealth #pophealth #policy #health #medicine
New Zealand's new anti-smoking policies take effect 1/1/23--3 big interventions:
1. illegal to sell combustible tobacco products to ppl born in 2009 or later
2. reducing # of licensed tobacco retailers from 6k currently to 600 maximum
3. lower cigarette nicotine content to below addictive levels.
#PublicHealth #PopHealth #Policy #Health #Medicine
#publichealth #pophealth #policy #health #medicine
RT @ia4phs@twitter.com
In nine podcast episodes, @PopHealth@twitter.com David Kindig, a #pophealth thought leader, is interviewed by Sanne Magnan about his 50 year population health scholarly and policy journey, including many stories, anecdotes and take-aways. Listen in!
Thanks to @JoanieRR1@twitter.com for designing our amazing team mugs! So lucky to be working with such a terrific group @UCSF_IHPS@twitter.com. @GuangyiWang1@twitter.com @gabegabeyeah@twitter.com @k_andreujackson@twitter.com and other non-Twitterers #pophealth
RT @MinHeeKimSS@twitter.com
Feeling the end of year vibes with the goods from #SPHERE🎄 ☕️ 🎈#ThankYou
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/MinHeeKimSS/status/1602703658072018945
Hi, so I’m on the lookout for mastodon peeps in #healthpolicy, health services research #hsr and #pophealth!
My #introduction: I am a medical sociologist at William and Mary, whose research focuses on the intersection of racialization, immigration, and health. My work includes some historical demography (to study early immigrants in the early 1900s), some machine learning (to study MENA Americans when they don't have a box to check), and some cross-national comparison (mostly in Europe).
#sociology #sociodon #demography #pophealth #medicalsociology
#Introduction #sociology #sociodon #Demography #pophealth #medicalsociology
Study estimates that 10 500 000 children lost parents or caregivers, & 7 500 000 children experienced COVID-19–associated orphanhood through May 1, 2022.
Orphanhood and Caregiver Loss Among Children Based on New Global Excess COVID-19 Death Estimates
#sociology #PublicHealth #COVID #PopHealth #epidemiology
#sociology #publichealth #covid #pophealth #epidemiology
Detailed Maternal Mortality Data Suggest More Than 4 in 5 Pregnancy-Related Deaths in US Are Preventable | Health Disparities | JAMA | JAMA Network
#PopHealth #MedSoc #PublicHealth #epidemiology #sociology
#pophealth #medsoc #publichealth #epidemiology #sociology
Study: of 749 abortion facilities and 63 718 431 females aged 15 to 44 years in the US: estimated median & mean travel time to a facility providing an abortion in 2021 (pre-Dobbs period) were 10.9 mins. and 27.8 mins. compared w/ 17.0 mins. and 100.4 mins. post-Dobbs, when facilities in states w/ total abortion bans or 6-week abortion bans were considered inactive.
#sociology #epidemiology #policy #pophealth #publichealth
Also, interested in these topics: #law, #history, #ethics, #epidemiology, #InfectiousDisease, #PopHealth, #sociology, #stats, #methods, #rockmusic, #medicine, #dentistry, #nursing, #psychology, #geography
#law #history #ethics #epidemiology #infectiousdisease #pophealth #sociology #stats #methods #rockmusic #medicine #dentistry #nursing #psychology #geography