#CallForPresentations #CoqPL #CoqPL2024 (Workshop on Coq for Programming Languages) "provide[s] an opportunity for programming languages researchers and practitioners with an interest in Coq to meet and interact with one another and members from the core Coq development team... To foster open discussion of cutting edge research which can later be published in full conference proceedings, we will not publish papers from the workshop" https://popl24.sigplan.org/home/CoqPL-2024#Call-for-Presentations #Coq #ITP #PL #POPL
#popl #pl #ITP #coq #coqpl2024 #coqpl #callforpresentations
Hvis du benytter Popl digitale visittkort, og abonnerer på PRO, kanseller nå. Du får umiddelbart et winback-tilbud som gir 50% rabatt resten av livet.
Get Your Digital Business Card • TechNotes Blog https://blog.tcea.org/get-your-digital-business-card/
#tcea #edtech #popl #hihello #education #k12 #work
#tcea #edtech #popl #hihello #education #K12 #work
🧑💻 #POPL and colocated conferences are happening this week, in Boston and online.Two papers co-authored by lab members are to be presented:
- "Distributing and Parallelizing Non-canonical Loops" by C.Aubert, T. Rubiano, N. Rusch, T. Seiller presented at VMCAI
- "Why Are Proofs Relevant in Proof-Relevant Models?" by
A. Kerinec, G. Manzonetto, F. Olimpieri presented at POPL
just gave a talk at #PADL (colocated with #POPL) about "declarative content generation" i.e. #logicProgramming for #generativeArt/#pcg. slides here:
#padl #popl #logicprogramming #generativeart
And we’re live on a beautiful snowy January day! I’m wearing my formal dress hoodie. If you see me wandering around, say hi! #POPL
Will ProLaLa 2023 talks be streamed online? @legaltech @computationallaw
#prolala #prolala2023 #popl #popl2023 #complaw #legaltech #legaltechnology
#prolala #prolala2023 #popl #popl2023 #complaw #legaltech #legaltechnology
Back from #POPL! The Saturday tracks were well worth attending.
Ronald's discussion of gradual type safety vs soundness was my highlight: https://popl20.sigplan.org/details/wgt-2020-papers/5/Gradual-Typing-as-if-Types-Mattered
When talking about soundness, it's important to say exactly what issues you're handling, and the talk explored this.
Finally, I attended a talk on formally verifying Coq *in Coq*, which seemed like a fitting way to conclude #POPL!
Tons of great talks at #POPL yesterday:
I loved this approach to solving the expression problem, building a PL and tool where you could toggle between data and codata (like functions/methods)! https://popl20.sigplan.org/details/POPL-2020-Research-Papers/57/Decomposition-Diversity-with-Symmetric-Data-and-Codata (had a live demo!)
I attended a bunch of great talks at #POPL yesterday.
My highlight yesterday was a delightful talk applying program synthesis techniques for generating visualisations! Elegant and practical. https://popl20.sigplan.org/details/POPL-2020-Research-Papers/53/Visualization-by-Example
Highlight of #POPL yesterday: seeing some excellent discussions of Coq for verifying programming languages!
I came away with a much clearer sense of *how* you'd verify an optimising compiler.
#SimonPeytonJones « we started a guerrilla movement #ComputingAtSchool to try and reform our computing curriculum. Rather to our astonishment, we were very successful. The #EnglishNationalCurriculum now explicitly says that all children should learn #ComputerScience from primary school onwards as a foundational discipline […] because an elementary understanding of these foundational concepts enables you to be an empowered #citizen in a complicated world. »
#Haskell #POPL
#simonpeytonjones #computingatschool #englishnationalcurriculum #computerscience #citizen #haskell #popl
https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~popl-interviews/ « People of Programming Languages — An interview project in conjunction with #POPL 2018 »
#Haskell #OCaml
#XavierLeroy #StephanieWeirich #SimonPeytonJones
#popl #haskell #ocaml #xavierleroy #stephanieweirich #simonpeytonjones