Lo and behold, the August #MetalMatters has been released a few days ago just in time for #BandcampFriday! 🤘
#Metal #MonthlyBestOf #BestOfAugust #PopMatters #AntiGodHand #BlitAusNord #Creak #Crypta #Darsombra #DeadAndDripping #DrippingDecay #Godthrymm #Hallucinate #Knife #Nixil #Nott #Orphalis #PavorNocturnus #SpiritAdrift #Urfaust #Werewolves
#werewolves #Urfaust #SpiritAdrift #pavornocturnus #orphalis #nott #nixil #knife #Hallucinate #godthrymm #drippingdecay #deadanddripping #darsombra #Crypta #creak #blitausnord #antigodhand #popmatters #bestofaugust #monthlybestof #metal #BandcampFriday #MetalMatters
Happy #BandcampFriday! If you don't know what to purchase, March #MetalMatters is out and (surprisingly!) has quite a few personal favs.🤘🥳
#Metal #MonthlyBestOf #BestOfMarch #PopMatters #71TonMan #AcidKing #Anarkhon #AtTheAltaroOfTheHornedGod #DawnRayd #DownfallOfGaia #Enslaved #Gorod #Kommand #LampOfMurmuur #Liturgy #Majesties #NeObliviscaris #Necropanther #RottenSound #SkryingMirror #SpiritPossession #TheTurinHorse #Úlfúð #Unpure
#unpure #ulfud #theturinhorse #spiritpossession #skryingmirror #rottensound #necropanther #neobliviscaris #majesties #liturgy #LampOfMurmuur #kommand #Gorod #enslaved #DownfallOfGaia #dawnrayd #atthealtaroofthehornedgod #anarkhon #acidking #71tonman #popmatters #bestofmarch #monthlybestof #metal #MetalMatters #BandcampFriday
Plans for the weekend? Catch up with chores. Binge something from the backlog. And maybe go through January's #MetalMatters to see what @AlterAnthony and Spyros have been listening to.
#Metal #MonthlyBestOf #BestOfJanuary #PopMatters #Ahab #Anachronism #AshenHorde #Dryad #Faithxtractor #Hostsol #Katatonia #LordMountain #Natt #Obituary #PhalAngst #OozingWound #Riverside #Tribunal #TwilightForce #Uranium
#uranium #twilightforce #tribunal #riverside #oozingwound #phalangst #obituary #natt #lordmountain #katatonia #hostsol #faithxtractor #dryad #ashenhorde #anachronism #ahab #popmatters #bestofjanuary #monthlybestof #metal #MetalMatters
In case you may have missed it (and I know you have), here's a somewhat short but sweet monthly #MetalMatters for December 2022 by @AlterAnthony and Spyros.🤘
#Metal #MonthlyBestOf #BestOfDecember #PopMatters #Anterbila #Dodsengel #HammersOfMisfortune #Nidare #Qrixkuor #TOMB #Veilburner #WoodsOfDesolation
#WoodsOfDesolation #veilburner #tomb #qrixkuor #nidare #hammersofmisfortune #dodsengel #anterbila #popmatters #bestofdecember #monthlybestof #metal #MetalMatters
A few books I haven't heard about, which really there are a lot of books I haven't heard about.
#books #bestof #popmatters
Feast upon your monthly best of metal buffet! The November #MetalMatters is out and @AlterAnthony and Spyros have featured something for everyone. 🔥🤘
#Metal #MonthlyBestOf #BestOfNovember #PopMatters #BlackAnvil #CityOfIndustry #Disillusion #Dysgnostic #FellRuin #Haavard #HighCommand #Judicator #Kampfar #Kamra #Lucifericon #Lykotonon #Mycelium #Ofdrykkja #Skythala #SteppenDoom #Terrörhammer #Tiwanaku #Vittra
#Vittra #tiwanaku #terrorhammer #steppendoom #Skythala #Ofdrykkja #mycelium #lykotonon #lucifericon #kamra #Kampfar #judicator #highcommand #haavard #FellRuin #Dysgnostic #disillusion #cityofindustry #BlackAnvil #popmatters #bestofnovember #monthlybestof #metal #MetalMatters