Dragon Con 2023: Music Games
Save Point brought a whole bevy of Japanese arcade music games to DragonCon this year. I am of two minds of them: it's definitely niche and I'm in favor of that, and it's nice to see a genre like this represented well. But they brought so many of them, and they were stationed close
#niche #2023 #bemani #convention #dancedancerevolution #ddr #dragoncon #konami #music #niche #popnmusic #rhythmheaven #soundvoltex
#niche #bemani #convention #dancedancerevolution #ddr #dragoncon #konami #music #popnmusic #rhythmheaven #soundvoltex
#popnmusic #まりおのアイビスペイント #popn_art
#popnmusic #まりおのアイビスペイント #popn_art
#popnmusic #まりおのアイビスペイント #popn_art
Konami is making pop'n music compact controllers now, similar to the mini controllers they made for the PlayStation games. Available at Konamistyle, which (IIRC) only ships to Japan.
Costs 16,800 yen (about $122), pre-ordering gives you a choice between a few benefits, including a unique e-Amusement pass or a free Start Up Selection song pack (+ Lively tickets).
Finally, a couple of seiso bookmarks!
#bookmark #washitapeart #washitape #stickerart #popnmusic #nia #toa #showbyrock #sb69 #tsurezurenaruayatsurimugenan #ShimoArt #ShimoHisae #PanyoArt
#bookmark #WashiTapeArt #washitape #stickerart #popnmusic #nia #toa #showbyrock #sb69 #tsurezurenaruayatsurimugenan #ShimoArt #shimohisae #panyoart
#illustration #popnmusic #funart
ポップンミュージック: シルヴェスター
#popnmusic #funart #illustration
It's a #popnmusic kind of day.
Anyone else play Pop'n Lively? I have no friends added. Actually not even sure how to add friends lol.
Art by Mortimer Todd!
Third artpiece by DesireArts!
One being a giftart (with a long meta story for this), and the others being commissions!
#commissioned #furry #animalcrossing #popnmusic #tentaclebikini #stripperpole #furryart #kemono
#commissioned #furry #animalcrossing #popnmusic #tentaclebikini #stripperpole #furryart #kemono
Art by DesireArts!
Character: Michiru (Sakura) from Pop'n Music Lapistoria
Outfit/form: Belphegor from Seven Mortal Sins
There's a fanfic to this as well, but IDK how to share this around.
#commissioned #popnmusic #rule34 #crossover #corruption #femboy #pinup #kemonomimi
#commissioned #popnmusic #rule34 #crossover #corruption #femboy #pinup #kemonomimi
Don't have a guitar controller so I've set up #CloneHero with a #popnmusic controller and a MIDI keyboard on "all taps" and it's so much fun. Partner suggested a MIDI pedal for Star Power, genius, will try soon. #bemani #popnhero
#popnhero #bemani #popnmusic #clonehero