Siin · @siin
262 followers · 904 posts · Server

When I first expressed interest in the Popol Vuh, my partner got me several different translations. I began with the translation by Allen J. Christenson, as it was translated directly from the Quiche Maya language (missing the accented e on Quiche because I'm unsure how to add it on Arch). This translation is excellent, and he adds a lot of very useful footnotes that provide a significant amount of cultural context. It will be interesting to read through some of the other translations to see how things compare, but my thoughts as I wrap up this beautiful text:

1) It's really interesting to see Christenson discuss how often in the Quiche -> Spanish -> English translations, the Franciscan missionaries that translated the original manuscript into Spanish Christianized the text, inserting words like "demon" where the more apt translation would be "deceiver" or "trickster". I wonder how various (especially academic) interpretations of the text are skewed based on only perhaps having access to these translations that were first filtered through missionaries.

2) There seems to be a misconception that the Popol Vuh is a "world creation" myth. However, that really isn't the case. The original authors seem clear that this is specifically the origin story of the Quiche Maya. For example, when the Framer & Shaper, and the Sovereign & Quetzal Serpent framed and shaped the first actual humans (on the fifth and final attempt), these humans went to Tulan after long awaiting the dawn that never came. In Tulan, there were already people. Specifically, it's mentioned several times in the footnotes that it's speculated that the people present in Tulan were the great Toltec people.

3) There are some really interesting overlaps with Central Mexican "mythology", that I'd really like to explore more before speculating upon. I know that there aren't many Aztec texts in existence, at least as far as I'm aware, but if anyone has any recommendations for reading on this subject, I'd be very open to hearing about them.

#popolvuh #quichemaya #mesoamericanhistory #Mesoamerican #latinohistory

Last updated 1 year ago

Siin · @siin
241 followers · 832 posts · Server

In absolute awe of Mayan art and literature as I read The Popol Vuh (the Christenson translation which was translated directly from Quiche Mayan, not Spanish) and I think that this is about to become a major inspiration for art and tattoos in the next few months

#quichemayan #popolvuh #mayanart #precolumbianart #maya #sacredart #siin #theesketchbook #sketchbook

Last updated 1 year ago

12pt9 · @12pt9
231 followers · 1188 posts · Server

, March 13, Die große Ekstase des Bildschnitzers Steiner [The Great Ecstasy of Woodcarver Steiner] (Werner , 1974) is the . Soundtrack by . ★★★★☆

#onthisdate #herzog #filmdujour #popolvuh #film #westgermany #wernerherzog #waltersteiner #sports #documentary #krautrock

Last updated 2 years ago

World History Encyclopedia · @whencyclopedia
697 followers · 844 posts · Server

Dogs were an integral aspect of the lives of the people of Mesoamerica regardless of their location or culture and, throughout the region, were recognized as liminal beings belonging not only to the natural world and that of humans but to this world and the

#History #popolvuh #pets #Dog

Last updated 2 years ago

Fardels Bear · @riggbeck
100 followers · 1563 posts · Server

@Richard_Littler I'd never heard of before. They're very good indeed.


Last updated 2 years ago

Richard Littler · @Richard_Littler
11534 followers · 936 posts · Server

Music mood this morning...

#nowplaying #popolvuh #soundtracks

Last updated 2 years ago

Adam Sear · @adamsear
24 followers · 83 posts · Server

Been delving more into the music of Popol Vuh recently. Very good in its own right & also a great soundtrack.

#amWriting #popolvuh #kosmischemusik

Last updated 2 years ago

John van · @garbageman
307 followers · 380 posts · Server

One of my favorite movies ever, And such a great soundtrack


Last updated 2 years ago

Great_Albums · @Great_Albums
598 followers · 405 posts · Server

Great Albums - 1970s: (1972). Led by keys man Florian Fricke, this band took the opposite path of Kraftwerk et. Al. by starting on synthesizers and, by this LP, switching to organic instruments, such as the grand piano that figures prominently here. Ambient, cerebral, and cinematic (they later scored for Werner Herzog), this LP blends quasi-classical gestures with pop – and textures like early worldbeat. , , , ,

#germanmusic #vinyl #albums #MastodonMusic #greatalbums1970s #hosiannamantra #popolvuh

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrés E. Caicedo · @AndresCaicedo
257 followers · 150 posts · Server

De paso, uno de los libros que tienen es una copia (con descripciones) del Códice de Madrid,
Algunos de los folios muestran escenas también narradas en el .
La versión del Popol-Vuh que leí en el colegio (y que se desapareció hace eternidades) tenía algunas ilustraciones que venían del código.


Last updated 2 years ago

Andrés E. Caicedo · @AndresCaicedo
257 followers · 148 posts · Server

Encontré una edición bilingüe del muy bonita.
La editorial es de la Universidad Mesoamericana de Guatemala. Tienen otras publicaciones interesantes,
Las que miré se pueden acceder como pdfs.


Last updated 2 years ago

The Vinyl Ape ☑️ · @TheVinylApe
42 followers · 36 posts · Server

1980 Germany reissue
Pioneers of German Krautrock, PV’s brainchild was a man by the name of Florian Fricke. This is their FIRST album; very heavy on the Moog with some light percussion added to create atmosphere. Just a total visionary waaay ahead of his time. I discovered this not too long after becoming deeply immersed in Kraftwerk. They made a few great albums, but THIS is still my favorite.

#vinyl #vinylrecords #krautrock #popolvuh #70s #70smusic

Last updated 2 years ago

Mayazteca Studios · @mayaztecastudios
23 followers · 5 posts · Server

Books we love:

“The Popol Vuh is considered one of the most important texts about the Mayans and the ancient history of the Americas. Although scholars acknowledge its significance and other versions of the book have been published, it's not commonly known.”

#popolvuh #mayans #precolumbian #books #history

Last updated 2 years ago

Bones · @Bones
63 followers · 31 posts · Server

I never knew where to start with Popol Vuh - but here's the place. One CD of highlights from their daunting catalogue, and another of sympathetic electronica remixes. Lush.

#fridaycd #popolvuh #krautrock #tgif

Last updated 2 years ago

a skitarius (any/all) · @skitarius
6 followers · 21 posts · Server

@lilcoppertop @bookstodon

ancient edition for late-night

sad: by the sumerians (lament for enkidu...😭)

hopeful: by of aphrodisias (happy ending!!!)

nostalgic: by the k'iche' (not of my culture, but neither is anything else on this list - my dennis tedlock copy specifically is nostalgic because of the circumstances surrounding how i got it. family, complicated stuff, memories etc.)

fearful or scared: inanna's descent to the netherworld, by the sumerians again (they hung WHAT on a hook?)

bonus: by's almost entirely horrible and i did dislike most of it, but it contains a hilarious parody of the roman equivalent of the nouveau riche, and a strangely relatable bit where the protagonist is ineffectually enraged and gets his sword taken away. mood, buddy

#ThrowBackThursday #theepicofgilgamesh #chaereasandcallirhoe #chariton #popolvuh #satyricon #tituspetronius

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrés E. Caicedo · @AndresCaicedo
136 followers · 47 posts · Server

Qué edición del Popol-Vuh me recomiendan? (En español, o español y kʼicheʼ.)


Last updated 2 years ago

Christina ✅ 🇨🇦 · @cosullivan
1320 followers · 10210 posts · Server

Für den Geburtstag meines Mannes kaufte ich aufgeregt eine 3-CD-Box mit von 1971-1981 mit Liedern von , , und anderen.

#deutscher #elektronischer #musik #kluster #neu #popolvuh

Last updated 6 years ago