Safari Technology Preview 174 mit neuen Funktionen und Bugfixes
Apple hat die neueste Version von Safari Technology Preview veröffe
#iPad #iPhone #Mac #News #Accessibility #CSS #CSSContainerQueries #FeatureFlags #HEIC #Javascript #JPEGXL #Layout #LiveText #MacOSSonoma #Media #Popover #PrivaterModus #Profiles #RedesignedDevelopMenu #Safari17 #SafariTechnologyPreview #SVG #WebAPI #WebApps
#iPad #iphone #Mac #News #accessibility #css #csscontainerqueries #featureflags #heic #javascript #jpegxl #layout #livetext #macossonoma #Media #popover #privatermodus #profiles #redesigneddevelopmenu #safari17 #safaritechnologypreview #svg #webapi #webapps
Das Chrome Team hat gerade "offiziell" das Popover API vorgestellt.
Hier noch einmal unser Video dazu:
#html #javascript #css #popover #popup #chrome #frontend
#html #javascript #css #popover #popup #chrome #frontend
Dutch baby #popover #pancake with sautéed apples and homemade preserved grapes, as well as persimmons with bananas.
I often make this recipe with a variation of seasonal fruits. It’s also good just with a drizzle of lemon juice, honey, and nutmeg.
#food #breakfast #brinner
Day 79/90 of autumn; 343/365 year.
#popover #pancake #food #breakfast #brinner
> A low-level toolkit to position floating elements while intelligently keeping them in view. Tooltips, popovers, dropdowns, menus, and more
nice to have
#es6 #javascript #web #webdevelopment #css #popover #tooltip #menu #library
#javascript #menu #library #es6 #web #webdevelopment #css #popover #tooltip