Finalmente anche io, dopo mesi di attesa, sono finalmente approdato con la mia cara #Manjaro a #GNOME 44 (.1). Si, è stata una lunga attesa ma devo dire che grazie a questo "ritardo" al mio arrivo su GNOME 44 tutte le mie estensioni preferite funzionavano già (compresa #popshell senza la quale ormai non posso più vivere). Va anche detto che la versione 44 è una release tutto sommato "noiosa" in quanto a nuove funzionalità.
#kde had been broken on my #linux daily driver for a long time. I finally fixed it, but I ended up only using it for a week. I really need the new #tiling system to become more mature. The KWin scripts that use it just aren't there yet.
But, it got me used to the benefits of a complete #desktopenvironment instead of a #windowmanager again, so now I've been on #gnome with #popshell for a few days
I'm sure at some point I'll return to #i3 again. I guess I've begun my #desktophopping phase!
#kde #linux #tiling #desktopenvironment #windowmanager #gnome #popshell #i3 #desktophopping
@skat #PopShell is my go to extension for tiling on #manjaro #gnome. I'm also using #Unite to hide window borders when windows are maximized and #JustPerfection, to tweak the little details I'm feeling out of place. Recently I also added #blurmyshell and #pano (clipboard manager)
#popshell #manjaro #gnome #unite #JustPerfection #blurmyshell #pano
This is very neat and long awaited. Even works with #PopShell, meaning you can have both tiling and floating spotlight search in #Ubuntu
@brihuang95 #popos is very innovative, and features a heavily tweaked #gnome desktop (called #COSMIC) with some unique extensions, like #popshell (tiling window manager for gnome). It's a trendy, modern, innovative distro with big plans for the future (devs are working on a new desktop environment written in Rust). PopOS is also shipping with newer kernels and drivers, and has better compatibility with newer hardware.
#popos #gnome #cosmic #popshell
After #distroHopping for years I have transitioned to #ubuntu 22 with #GNOME and the #popShell extension. Using the default drivers.
It just works.
#distrohopping #ubuntu #gnome #popshell #linux #distro
Is anyone running Pop Shell on Fedora 36? I want to try out Fedora 36 on my framework laptop, it has better out-of-the-box driver support (fingerprint reader specifically). But I really enjoy the pop shell experience of easy mode tiling window manager. Search results are not definitive, so I figured I'd #askfedi. Any pointers appreciated.
#askfedi #framework #popshell #pop_os #fedora
3/ #PopShell seemed to be more concerned with manually adjusting window sizes with the keyboard than being a proper auto-layout tiling WM. Way too much finicking about, and no way to get the large vertical pane on the right if I want it there.
What are people using for #tiling under #Wayland? Of course there's #Sway, but I prefer to run under a DE (as I have done with #xmonad and #XFCE for years). #Gnome seems to be the only stable DE on Wayland. Tried #PaperWM, #PopShell, #MaterialShell, #TidalWM. None are a great replacement for xmonad but some come close. (feedback so far to follow)
#TidalWM #materialshell #popshell #paperwm #GNOME #XFCE #xmonad #sway #Wayland #tiling