How Feminism is Changing Popular Music, Musical Theater, and Broadway
#Broadway #feminism #music #musicaltheater #popularmusic
#broadway #feminism #music #musicaltheater #popularmusic
Today in #Connecticut History, August 4: Connecticut Broadcasting’s Ban the Beatles Boycott
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#20thcentury #august #beatles #belief #boycotts #connecticuthistory #johnlennon #musichistory #popularculture #popularmusic #radio
#connecticut #20thcentury #august #beatles #belief #boycotts #connecticuthistory #johnlennon #musichistory #popularculture #popularmusic #radio
Today in #Connecticut History, July 30: Powder Ridge: The Epic Rock Festival That Never Was
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#20thcentury #classicrock #connecticuthistory #july #middlefield #musichistory #popularmusic #powderridge #woodstock
#connecticut #20thcentury #classicrock #connecticuthistory #july #middlefield #musichistory #popularmusic #powderridge #woodstock
Today in #Connecticut History, July 25: New Haven-born Duo Tops the Charts with “an Oldie But a Goodie”
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#20thcentury #arts #carpenters #connecticuthistory #july #karencarpenter #musichistory #newhaven #popularculture #popularmusic #richardcarpenter #thecarpenters
#connecticut #20thcentury #arts #carpenters #connecticuthistory #july #karencarpenter #musichistory #newhaven #popularculture #popularmusic #richardcarpenter #thecarpenters
"Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)" is the second single from #MarvinGaye's 1971 album, #WhatsGoingOn. Following the breakthrough of the #titleTrack's success, the song, written solely by Gaye, became regarded as one of #popularMusic's most poignant anthems of sorrow regarding the #environment. Led by Gaye playing #piano, strings conducted by #PaulRiser and #DavidVanDePitte, multi-tracking vocals from Gaye and #TheAndantes.
#marvingaye #whatsgoingon #titletrack #popularmusic #environment #piano #paulriser #davidvandepitte #theandantes
Other interests include the following:
• #ClimateChange
• #RenewableEnergy
• civilizational #resilience
• #HistoricalClothing and #CosTube
• current events
• #PopularMusic
• podcasts
• #cats (of course)
When referring to me (if any of you do), please use he/him/his pronouns. Thanks for reading.
#climatechange #renewableenergy #resilience #historicalclothing #costube #popularmusic #cats
"Mercy Mercy Me (The Ecology)" is the second single from #MarvinGaye's 1971 album, #WhatsGoingOn. Following the breakthrough of the #titleTrack's success, the song, written solely by Gaye, became regarded as one of #popularMusic's most poignant anthems of sorrow regarding the #environment. Led by Gaye playing #piano, strings conducted by #PaulRiser and #DavidVanDePitte, multi-tracking vocals from Gaye and #TheAndantes.
#marvingaye #whatsgoingon #titletrack #popularmusic #environment #piano #paulriser #davidvandepitte #theandantes
"Wonderful! Wonderful!" is a #popularMusic #song #written by #ShermanEdwards, with #lyrics by #BenRaleigh. The song was first published in 1956. In the United States, a #recording by #JohnnyMathis reached number 14 on the Billboard charts. It was Mathis' debut single.
#popularmusic #song #written #shermanedwards #lyrics #benraleigh #recording #johnnymathis
"Tell Laura I Love Her" is a #teenageTragedySong written by #JeffBarry and #BenRaleigh. It was a US #topTen #popularMusic #hit for singer #RayPeterson in 1960 on #RCAVictorRecords, reaching No. 7 on the Billboard Hot 100 chart. Later that same year, it was recorded and released by #RickyValance in the United Kingdom, where it went to the No. 1 spot on the #UKSinglesChart. The song has been a hit in 14 countries, and has sold over seven million copies.
#teenagetragedysong #jeffbarry #benraleigh #topten #popularmusic #hit #raypeterson #rcavictorrecords #rickyvalance #uksingleschart
"Wonderful! Wonderful!" is a #popularMusic #song #written by #ShermanEdwards, with #lyrics by #BenRaleigh. The song was first published in #1956. In the United States, a #recording by #JohnnyMathis reached number 14 on the Billboard charts. It was Mathis' debut single.
#popularmusic #song #written #shermanedwards #lyrics #benraleigh #recording #johnnymathis
#TheMeters - '#LookKaPyPy' (1969) from the #Album '#LookKaPyPy'
#Music #Song #Pop #PopMusic #PopularMusic #Funk #Funky #Rock #RockMusic
#rockmusic #rock #funky #funk #popularmusic #popmusic #pop #song #music #album #lookkapypy #themeters
Today in #Connecticut History, June 2: A Symphony for Connecticut by a Superstar Composer
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#20thcentury #connecticuthistory #connecticutsymphony #henryhadley #henrykimballhadley #june #norfolk #norfolkmusicshed #popularmusic #thearts #thestate
#connecticut #20thcentury #connecticuthistory #connecticutsymphony #henryhadley #henrykimballhadley #june #norfolk #norfolkmusicshed #popularmusic #thearts #thestate
Today in #Connecticut History, May 18: The Composer Who Took the Greatest Generation on a “Sleigh Ride.”
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#20thcentury #americancomposers #arts #bluetango #connecticutarts #connecticuthistory #leroyanderson #may #musichistory #popularmusic #sleighride #syncopatedclock #woodbury
#connecticut #20thcentury #americancomposers #arts #bluetango #connecticutarts #connecticuthistory #leroyanderson #may #musichistory #popularmusic #sleighride #syncopatedclock #woodbury
Es ist persönlich: Nachruf auf Burtbacharach und (s)eine Berliner Affäre.
#BurtBacharach #EasyListening #PopularMusic
#burtbacharach #easylistening #popularmusic
Celia Cruz Coins For Everyone: Iconic Salsa Singer To Appear On U.S. Quarter | #entertainment2cculture #nativeamericanpeople #latingrammyawards #womeninlatinmusic #maryedwardswalker #unitedstatesmint #ventriscgibson #patsytakemoto #humaninterest #grammyawards #popularmusic #paulimurray #salsamusic #celiacruz #zitkalasa #musicians #salsa #celia
#entertainment2cculture #nativeamericanpeople #latingrammyawards #womeninlatinmusic #maryedwardswalker #unitedstatesmint #ventriscgibson #patsytakemoto #humaninterest #grammyawards #popularmusic #paulimurray #salsamusic #celiacruz #zitkalasa #musicians #salsa #celia
11th Century Boy
gingerbeer points out Richard Thompson's "1000 Years of Popular Music" in this week's free thread.
ca 2000, "Playboy asked a select group of musicians to choose their ten favorite songs of the past millennium. Richard Thompson, believing what Playboy REALLY wanted were only songs from the last 20 years, took them literally. He gave Playboy EXACTLY what they asked for. He chose the best songs of the last 1000 years. Thompson never heard from them again."
#music #PopularMusic #MusicHistory #history #RichardThompson #performance #1000Years #ThousandYears #video #album #Millennium #FreeThread
#music #popularmusic #musichistory #history #richardthompson #performance #1000years #thousandyears #video #album #millennium #freethread
Here's a quick vid reframing Atlantic Ocean pirates + sea shanties
#SeaShanties #Shanties
#European #African #Cargo #Collabs #GoingViral
#ageofsail #songwriting #diversity #popularmusic #work #navy #worksongs #ballads #blackatlantic #rhythm #pbsorigins #roguehistory #OurFlagMeansDeath #history #outlaws #Histodon #callAndResponse #pirates #musicology #OralTradition #folklorists #kidnapping #media #antiphony #sailors #seashanties #Shanties #european #african #cargo #collabs #GoingViral #multicultural #englishspeakers
I work in #musictheory/#ethnomusicology, specifically on music and social movements and on global #popularmusic. My first book examined the #antinuclear movement in #Japan after the #Fukushima accident. My current project analyzes intertextuality in #protestmusic. I've also written on #linguistics and music in US/Japanese #rap &rock; Japanese DJs; and the music industry. I edit 33-1/3 Japan, a book series on Japanese popular music, and co-edit the Oxford Handbook of Protest Music.
#introduction #musictheory #popularmusic #antinuclear #japan #fukushima #protestmusic #linguistics #rap
dear people,
does someone know some popular music studies/musicology hashtags here?
just trying out...
#musodon #musicology #popularMusicStudies #popularmusic #IASPM
#popmusikforschung #musikwissenschaft #Technostudies #voicestudies #popularmusictheory #musictheory
Would be glad for suggestions/hints :-)
#musodon #musicology #popularmusicstudies #popularmusic #iaspm #popmusikforschung #musikwissenschaft #technostudies #voicestudies #popularmusictheory #musictheory
Dear World,
I just found my name in a list of references... together with Donna Haraway 😍 🤩
It's the CfP of the German Society for Popular Music Studies.
Topic of their next conference in Spetember 2023 is bodies in relation to popular music. They also have funding for young researchers! Please share!
#popularMusicStudies #GfPM #popularmusic #IASPM #academic #AcademicFedi
#popularmusicstudies #gfpm #popularmusic #iaspm #academic #AcademicFedi