@aussocialadmin @ariaflame
We didnt know she was a OneNation supporter, but even so, many are drawn to lower #populationGrowth parties for no other reason but to conserve our #environment and #biodiversity.
We should not be so prejudiced as to write people off, based on their perceived need to limit the sheer number of people corporations lobby to have pumped in for cynical ends. One could say the #populism in Howard's #BabyBonus and abuse of "#boatPeople" drove many to look at alternatives.
#populationGrowth #environment #biodiversity #populism #babyBonus #Boatpeople
@rose_myrtle @TMakarios
That website was pivotal in undermining #populationGrowth concerns in the 2010s and as a result set back movements to empower women, and to secure #familyPlanning and other services. With the help of an elevated #demographer at the #BBC, the world saw a marked increase in #fertility as a result, The problem of #unwantedBirths is a huge and they basically helped fuel it.
It has helped to plunge more people into various forms of poverty, modern slavery, precarity etc.
#populationGrowth #familyPlanning #demographer #bbc #fertility #unwantedBirths
Kulturkampf statt demokratischer Prozesse.
"Sterbender, faulender #kapitalismus ", sagte #Marx
Die Reichen werden immer reicher.
Die Armen kommen nicht mehr vor.
Die Linke hat keinen Plan, und die Grünen paktieren mit der FDP.
AfD freuts und zündelt weiter. Und die CDU ist auf dem selben Weg.
Neo-Feudalimus in Sicht.
Von allem und allen immer mehr führt am Ende zu nur mehr Leid.
#kapitalismus #marx #klimakrise #populationGrowth #fascismsucks
Limit Population and Economic Growth
If we don’t voluntarily limit our own population and economic growth, Nature will do it for us, and we might not be so pleased with her solution to the problems we are creating!
#PopulationGrowth #EconomicGrowth #Growth #Bioregionalism #Bioregion #Nature #NaturalLimits
#populationGrowth #economicgrowth #growth #bioregionalism #bioregion #nature #naturallimits
Indians breed like rabbits without necessary infrastructure to support the population creating strain on the entire ecosystem.
When exactly will #India surpass #China as most populous? | AP News
#China #India #populationGrowth
A Global Population Shortage Is Coming, Will Cause Economic Chaos
These assholes cheering for breeding babies are actually yellow journalists paid for by shadow entities. The Earth is not running out of people. It is actually drowning with people.
I'm here on this platform looking for #discussion on topics of vital interest to us and all our relations. Not boosts, not favorites. Discussion, words in a row, talk and talk back.
We have a budget of 10,000 characters on this instance. Let's use them for meaningful, meaty back & forth, to an fro, in and out, over and above #talk, #ideas, #ideals, #options, #propositions. We have two eyes and ten fingers. Let's put them to work coming up with #solutions to pressing #problems in the #bioregions we share with all other #life.
#bioregionalism #environmentalism #PopulationGrowth #degrowth #EconomicGrowth #government #localism #democracy #anarchism #populism #fascism #authoritarianism #antiauthoritarianism #CorporateOligarchy #RepresentativeRepublic #biodiveristy #habitat #Wildlife #species #extinction #evolution #ecology #DeepEcology
#discussion #talk #ideas #ideals #options #propositions #solutions #problems #bioregions #life #bioregionalism #environmentalism #populationGrowth #degrowth #economicgrowth #government #localism #democracy #anarchism #populism #fascism #authoritarianism #antiauthoritarianism #corporateoligarchy #representativerepublic #biodiveristy #habitat #wildlife #species #extinction #evolution #ecology #deepecology
With growth comes challenges. New residents have caused a surge in demand for housing, and with this, rapidly rising prices." — AJO student Julianna LaFollette on population explosion in Bend, Oregon for The Click
#BendOregon #populationGrowth #journalism
"With growth comes challenges. New residents have caused a surge in demand for housing, and with this, rapidly rising prices." — AJO student Julianna LaFollette on population explosion in Bend, Oregon for The Click
#journalism #populationGrowth #BendOregon
A really incredible paper (Jul-2022) in American Antiquity compiled 100k+ radiocarbon dates into a database and released it all on CARD (https://www.canadianarchaeology.ca/).
Image is a rough approximation of #PopulationGrowth from the summed frequency of dates over time (insert big caveats about preservation issues, researcher focus bias, etc.) #Archaeology
Paper link: https://doi.org/10.1017/aaq.2021.157
#archaeology #populationGrowth
In honor of 8 Billion people being upon this earth I would like to say three little words:
Male. Birth. Control.
#8billion #population #populationGrowth
In honor of 8 Billion people being upon this earth I would like to say three little words:
Male. Birth. Control.
#8billion #population #populationGrowth
#ClimateCrisis #populationGrowth
Climate justice gets harder as world population passes 8 billion
#climatecrisis #populationGrowth
Make no mistake though, the newcomers are often working their butts off harder than can be imagined too. The problem is how many people would be a reasonable number and what number is extreme and unsustainable.
Australia became irresponsible in 2003-2004 when our #populationGrowth obsessed PM at the time *tripled* the intake.
The warCriminal PM also ran a #BabyBonus (read: #bribe), and cynically allowed atrocities on #boatPeople to *appear* tough (admitted on RadioNational in 2014).
#populationGrowth #babyBonus #bribe #Boatpeople
Is this in the same vein as people we know not liking it when we fight #immigrationSystem abuse, #workerAbuse, #populationGrowth policy, and #airTravel for sustainablity reasons.
On all, they want to to be able to imagine being able to have sex in another state or country every second weekend, with as many people as possible. Thus seeing borders and a lower pool of possible suitors is inconvenient to them.
Maybe they believe noone in the country can find them attractive.
#immigrationSystem #workerAbuse #populationGrowth #airTravel
Okay, do you have a problem with #propertySpruikers there? Property spruikers run events and seminars to indoctrinate kids into the property ponzi, and how they better buy/invest now before #populationGrowth causes housing to increase in prices.
In Australia they oft threaten kids by saying Australia is bringing in people from Asia to boost prices so if you don't get in now you will be left behind.
Our PrimeMinister was allegedly a 'spruiker'.
@koherecoWatchdog @mangeurdenuage
#propertySpruikers #populationGrowth
Unfortunately Australia has an #urbanSprawl problem yes. Its part of an dogged #populationGrowth agenda combined with a "She'll-be-right" (read:#lassezFaire) attitude. The managerial types are mostly just grift, enablers with a rubberstamp and #revolvingDoor.
We do have some ppl around, but most are not effective in drawing attention to things we need to do, sadly.
Something tells us that "She'll be rightism" isn't going to exist for much longer now.
#urbanSprawl #populationGrowth #lassezFaire #revolvingdoor
Its not just one #religion or #nationalistic group pomoting #procreation, almost all corrupt leaders push #populationGrowth. Eg. in Australia they tend to push the (racist) #yellowPeril card. The "Japs" (their term) or China will take over etc.
Today they like to bomb countries and produce #refugees for themselves and friends, we say this while looking at an example where they exported unstable westerners to eastern europe in past 8 years.
Many birds per stone.
#religion #nationalistic #procreation #populationGrowth #YellowPeril #refugees
We resist talking about expertise but we have learned all manner of design techniques. We spend a time communicating difficult but important topics like #exponentialGrowth, #populationGrowth and #overconsumption, which can typically be a bit dry and attract poor behaviors from some. So we try to relay info in nuanced ways.
In recent years our focus is on #UBI, #hardCurrency (bitcoin) and #bankerCrimes as we have identified these as integral to solving above.
Why do you ask?
#exponentialGrowth #populationGrowth #overconsumption #ubi #hardCurrency #bankerCrimes