JWST-JADES - Possible #PopulationIII signatures at z=10.6 in the halo of GN-z11: https://arxiv.org/abs/2306.00953 -> "a >5σ detection of a feature consistent with being HeIIλ1640 emission at the redshift of GN-z11. The very high equivalent width of the putative HeII emission in this clump (170 A), and the lack of metal lines, can be explained in terms of photoionisation by PopIII stars, while photoionisation by PopII stars is inconsistent with the data."
#Astronomers Say They Have Spotted the #Universe’s #FirstStars - Theory has it that “#PopulationIII” #stars brought #light to the #cosmos. The #JamesWebbSpaceTelescope may have just glimpsed them.
#astronomers #universe #firststars #populationiii #stars #light #Cosmos #jameswebbspacetelescope