#PierrePoilievre's #populism is peaking..
..two years too early.
#pierrepoilievre #populism #conservativesaretheproblem #canpoli
Then why do I hear it so much from the socialist populists, such as Hogg?
To answer my own question, it’s both ageism in specific and populism in general.
Populism rejects the value of competence, expertise, and experience; all of which favor the old. It also calls for immediate radical changes, which means that anyone with experience is likely to be dismissed as part of the “corrupt establishment elite and its status quo”.
The socialist populists are also fixed on what they imagine to be class warfare, with the slogan of eating the rich. However, due to basic math, this turns out to mean eating their parents and grandparents, who refuse to just die already and let them inherit the wealth they’ve accumulated over a lifetime.
What you’re endorsing is consistent with all of the above. Tell me I’m wrong, if you can.
Why Have So Many Americans Succumbed to Trumpism?
"In his 2024 campaign, Trump is using the criminal proceedings against him as a means of fusing his own identity with that of millions of Americans who have felt mistreated and bullied by the system. He is them. This fusion is a hallmark of authoritarian fascism".
#trump #populism #authoritarianism #maga
#pierrepoilievre #populism #conservativesaretheproblem #canpoli
So make BF Nazis happy: +150k.
effect; non existent.
Make poor families miserable: -360k.
effect; misery, hardship, child poverty, homelessness, stress, sickness, and maybe someone somewhere gets a job under this forcing policy.
“It’s bit pricey, but it is a political choice.” - Finnish Prime minister Petteri Orpo (NCP).
#politics #politicsFI #finland #naziJokeGovernment #naziJokeNcP #rightWingPolitics #populism
#politics #politicsfi #finland #nazijokegovernment #nazijokencp #rightwingpolitics #populism
⑥ #WearAMask & a dolt calls you #HunterBiden😂https://mindly.social/@B2/110740139875101016
⑦ Say “pro” on #Mastodon & egotist⬆loses his collective sh^t🔴https://bit.ly/3gT8yoC
⑧ Like #Florida's Mr. “Don't Say #Gay” but OBSESS about #Woke🔴https://bit.ly/3ZD47UJ
⑨ Anti-intellectualism, #Populism, #Fascism & “I hate #ElonMusk, #GeorgeSoros, #Twitter or #X so much clouded judgment is my default” = Trumpism🔴https://bit.ly/35xTsBy
#USA #MentalHealth #SocialMedia #Nazis #HumanRights #Fediverse #Education▼
#wearamask #hunterbiden #mastodon #florida #gay #woke #populism #fascism #elonmusk #georgesoros #twitter #x #usa #mentalhealth #socialmedia #nazis #humanrights #fediverse #education
#uspol #socialism #anticapitalism #socialdemocracy #democraticsocialism #populism
Democrats are liberals, not socialists. So when the Republicans call us socialists (or communists), they’re just lying. Arguably, to a fascist populist, everyone to their left looks “socialist”, or maybe they just don’t care about the truth.
However, there are actual socialists who run as Democrats, even though they’re not. These people are democratic socialists, which refers to any form of socialism that includes voting. Cuba and the USSR are examples.
In contrast, there’s social democracy, which is not socialism at all. Rather, it’s a moderately-left political stance; roughly speaking, the European equivalent of American (social) liberalism.
Socialism is communism. Or, rather, socialism is the attempt to make communism. The USSR was technically socialist, not communist. In fact, it’s right there in the name.
Circling around to socialists infiltrating the DNC, they’re socialist populist, and when they call themselves socialists, it hurts liberals because it gives credence to the Republican lie that the DNC is socialist.
They know this and don’t care, because they hate the DNC and want to take it over.
Does that sound nuts? Yeah, I thought so, too, but they keep insisting:
#populism #socialism #anticapitalism #uspol #socialdemocracy #democraticsocialism
"Thanks to numerous defenders of Hubert #Aiwanger, instead of talking about his pamphlet glorifying the #holocaust people are now only mention the alleged "smear campaign" against him".
#Geschichtspolitik #antisemitism #populism
#populism #antisemitism #Geschichtspolitik #holocaust #aiwanger #jenschristianwagner
Populism and nationalism go hand in hand everywhere. Not patriotism, mind you, but nationalism.
I wrote more on this:
Very insightful podcast episode.
The Relationship between #Populism & #Nationalism in American #politics ?
Primary Populist Play = bundle grievance issues into a Status Threat. People like 'you' are losing...the country is leaving you behind...b/c of 'them'...the Minorities & Elites.
Even tho diff countries have diff starting positions-grievances, radical rt #politicians use the same rhetorical-mobilization strategies to gain greater support.
#politicians #Politics #nationalism #populism #politicsinquestion
America's ball and chain. Today's cartoon by Bas van Der Schot. More cartoons: https://cartoonmovement.com/search?query=&sort=created&order=desc
here, have a Basic Finn nazi election campaign ad from the spring as a treat.
(the joke is that BF is in a government making historical defunding in welfare while selling state property and giving tax relief to the richest.) #basicFinnNazis #naziJokeGovernment #rightWingPolitics #populism #politics #politicsFI #finland
#basicfinnnazis #nazijokegovernment #rightwingpolitics #populism #politics #politicsfi #finland
Reminder: AOC and her Justice Democrat Squad opposed this bill on the grounds of purity, when even the very worst Democrat (Joe Manchin) supported it.
The JD’s are worse than the worst Democrat.
#uspol #justicedemocrats #aoc #populism
For the record, they deleted their responses and then blocked me, because I offended them with facts.
#philosophy #ethics #sociology #politics #opportunity #whiteliberalism #populism
#philosophy #politics #opportunity #ethics #sociology #whiteliberalism #populism
Tell me you’re a Marxist without telling me that you’re a Marxist.
It’s not liberals who are white-centered, but the populist left: the socialists. They’re blinded to bigotry by Marxist class reductionism.
#philosophy #ethics #sociology #politics #opportunity #whiteliberalism #populism
#philosophy #ethics #sociology #politics #opportunity #whiteliberalism #populism
@MikeBon @miasmo @barney @black_intellect
You could have fooled me!
Cornel drooled over Trump’s populist authenticity and pimped for Stein, knowing that it took votes away from Clinton. If he didn’t want Trump to win, why did he act exactly as though he did?
The idea that the liberals are “the same” as the fascists is idiotic and nobody actually believes it. Nobody is that stupid.
They only say it because they hate the liberals and want to undermine them so that they can take over the DNC. We know because they told us so. (See image below.)
West’s campaign is about ensuring Trump’s victory, feeding West’s ego, and paying off some of his many debts to the IRS and his ex. It reeks of desperation.
The polls show that his entry into the fray helps Trump. He knows this, but like you, he does not care. His hatred of liberalism trumps (no pun intended) his mild dislike of fascism.
He’s an enable of fascism, a left-Trumper. Just. Like. You.
#politics #cornelwest #trump #uspol #populism
In a recent thread, I ran into a socialist populist who self-identified as a “feminist” but was more partisan than equalitarian.
They were pushing the ageist narrative in which the evil Boomers are blamed for all that is bad in the world, justifying calls for their speedy demise so that the young can inherit all that wealth and power.
Rather than admitting to greed, they claimed that “everything” is worse for Millennials and Gen Y. Everything?
Some of us remember history, so we know about the huge advances in civil rights that those Boomers and Silents created. We remember how the “good” old days were only good for straight white Christian men.
But these facts were an inconvenient distraction from the narrative of intergenerational economic cannibalism. You can’t eat the old if they aren’t demonized first.
Why do I mention this? Because blatant ageism of this sort is a hallmark of the populist left. It fits in perfectly with populism’s disdain for expertise and experience (both of which take time and are therefore unavailable to the young) and their fetish with authenticity (which favors those with less personal history to hide).