My little porch garden isn't all that showy this summer, but I like it. And the hummingbirds love the salvia. Left to right: lemon balm, hot lips salvia, oregano, geranium, turmeric, and cayenne.
our curry trees and fig tree are enjoying the rain we're getting #indianCooking #porchGarden
I need to remember to plant mikweed and nasturtiums next spring. I had no idea mw could have such beautiful flowers, besides the monarch food. And my porch garden is 20 feet off the ground, so the nasturtiums can reach some sort of arrangement with the wisteria, I'd imagine.
I moved this into a shadier spot in hopes it would survive summer heat, but it's enjoying a dapple of noonday sun
Sage and geranium admiring the late northern sun (through windowscreen)
My hibiscus exploded!!! Two huge, beautiful blooms to brighten my evening. This camera slaps too! The last 2 were taken with the macro setting and a slightly increased shutter time, and I think they came out nicely! #hibiscus #photography #macro #flowers #beginnerphotographer #porchgarden
#hibiscus #photography #macro #flowers #beginnerphotographer #porchgarden
#CatsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #Today #FriYay It's monumentally windy here in NW #Kansas but I'm determined to get ready for some #SeedPlanting 🌱 for my container garden on my covered porch/ #Catio. I've got some friends to help me... #SheltieLife #StevieTheCat #Dogs #Cats
#springplanting #porchgarden #CatsOfMastodon #dogsofmastodon #today #friyay #kansas #seedplanting #catio #sheltielife #steviethecat #Dogs #cats