Ross of Ottawa · @ottaross
1181 followers · 4512 posts · Server

Over lunch I started boiling up some and have just put them into a slow oven.

This is a step towards an experimental and possibly bad-idea supper of a savoury oatmeal porridge.

While eating a Sunday-morning porridge occasionally, with the prerequisite brown sugar, cinnamon and cream I've speculated that there might a way to pull off a savoury supper version.

Thinking this may fall into the traditional category of gruel?

#porkhocks #kitchenexperiment #cooking

Last updated 2 years ago

Ross of Ottawa · @ottaross
1280 followers · 5294 posts · Server

Over lunch I started boiling up some and have just put them into a slow oven.

A begins…

This is a step towards an experimental and possibly bad-idea supper of a savoury oatmeal porridge.

While eating a Sunday-morning porridge occasionally, with the prerequisite brown sugar, cinnamon and cream I've speculated that there might a way to pull off a savoury supper version.

Thinking this may fall into the traditional category of gruel?

#cookingthread #porkhocks #kitchenexperiment #cooking

Last updated 2 years ago

Ross of Ottawa · @ottaross
1184 followers · 4492 posts · Server

- a rarely loved meat item, but once rendered down with a boil up, then a slow roast, they have succulent nuggets of rich dark meat, almost like duck.

These are destined for an experiment I will no doubt bring up again soon – while eating breakfast oatmeal porridge on the weekend I was speculating about possible savoury-porridge ideas, and this seemed well suited.

More deets later as I ponder a bit more.


Last updated 2 years ago

Ross of Ottawa · @ottaross
1280 followers · 5294 posts · Server

- a rarely loved meat item, but once rendered down with a boil up, then a slow roast, they have succulent nuggets of rich dark meat, almost like duck.

These are destined for an experiment I will no doubt bring up again soon – while eating breakfast oatmeal porridge on the weekend I was speculating about possible savoury-porridge ideas, and this seemed well suited.

More deets later as I ponder a bit more.


Last updated 2 years ago