
Last updated 1 year ago

Where's our reboot, Hollywood?


Last updated 2 years ago

Kari Crock Comics · @KariCrockComics
83 followers · 573 posts · Server mastodon.art

If I understand the reviews correctly, Porky's 2 & 3 were in contention for being the worst movies ever, for being Boob movies that took on the KKK, Racism, Christianity and basic political corruption.

The things I LOVE most about the films.

#colleencamp #sexcomedies #boobmovies #porkys2thenextday #porkysiithenextday #racism #kkk #pimpinpeewee #porkysrevenge #porkys3 #porkys2 #porkys

Last updated 2 years ago

Kari Crock Comics · @KariCrockComics
83 followers · 573 posts · Server mastodon.art

Just watched the first 3 Porky's films and was really impressed.

I saw #2 on VHS in the 80s. It's still the best.

For a series based on peeping on the girl's locker room, it has VERY high morals in regards to racism/religion.

As dumb as the pranks are, the story is solid. All 3 are solid.

The 3 main Porky's movies just left Prime Video so there's going to be a moment where they're difficult to source on streaming/VOD.

#porkys2thenextday #porkysrevenge #porkys3 #porkys2 #porkys

Last updated 2 years ago