Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 449 posts · Server

One byproduct of the makers has been the ability to make cloth using fibers from marsh grass, wood from scrub bushes, lime, and acid. It is strong and durable, but very smooth on skin. It is one of the few comforts afforded the citizens of Hope.

The apprentice chosen to search for a way home takes as much of the cloth as they can carry after one apprentice parlayed their shirt into a job for a tailor.

#worldbuilding #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 449 posts · Server

A master Maker works on larger magical devices for defense and the effort to leave the island. There is not enough available timber for ships or home construction, much less a boat for a few hundred people.

Instead, an apprentice is sent out every two years tasked with making their way back home. They are given a magical device to teleport small object back to the village two to six times. This has been the only way to get metal tools for the past 40 years.

#worldbuilding #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 448 posts · Server

A master Maker works on larger magical devices for defense and the effort to leave the island. There is not enough available timber for ships or home construction, much less a boat for a few hundred people.

Instead, an apprentice is sent out every two years tasked with making their way back home. They are given a magical device to teleport small object back to the village two to six times. This has been the only way to get metal tools for the past 40 years.

#worldbuilding #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 447 posts · Server

Makers break open the crabstone in their hovel, extracting unseen things they call 'Crawlies'. Using wood, lime, pyrite, seagull guano, and two small devices, raw materials are melded with 'crawlies' into magical devices great and small. An apprentice will make various pearline charms worn by everyone in the village. A journeyman will begin to lead search teams, help maintain fishing piers, and sinter leftover crabstone into new.

#worldbuilding #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 446 posts · Server

The Makers have a semi-religious connection with the Chimeral Forest, named for the dozens of small chimeral animals that live within.

It is not the source of their power, but enables it. Once empowered, a Maker instinctively begin to search for crabstone, a smooth pearl-like stone associated with crabmen structures. Since the sky fell, rough pieces of it litter the countryside or hide up to a foot underground. Makers can find crabstone anywhere.

#worldbuilding #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 444 posts · Server

The survivors on the island made their way to the northwest corner of the island. With no safe access to the southern forests, they are stranded there, unable to sail away.

The crabmen press further inland, scouring the land and attacking anyone that impedes their march. This has been life for the town named hope, the last outpost of old civilization before the sky fell.

Buffered by the Chimeral Glen, they subsist on root vegetables and fish.

#worldbuilding #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 443 posts · Server

The eastern coast lies south of Pella's Column, a larger island to the north. Yet the channel between the two islands has the strongest twin currents leading out to the sea. It takes a seasoned crew a month to journey north around Pella's Column and back to the mainland.

Once the company mages revealed that they could no longer scry the old port cities, trading companies abandoned the island.

Adventurers risk the journey, but reap few rewards.

#worldbuilding #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 442 posts · Server

The former port cities left behind only partial docks. The only intelligent ken to be found were the crabmen. They speak an unknown language, but had no interest in trading. They were consumed in rebuilding the city.

Trading companies knew that the ports could not be rebuilt, strong currents push all boats into the open sea. It would be expensive to equip boats to sail along the western coast and require two weeks delay to navigate.

#worldbuilding #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago

Sycarion Diversions · @sycarion
153 followers · 441 posts · Server

Today's thread is about the lost island of Porta Nile. It's not lost in the sense it lies in a secret location. It's lost due to the presence of the intellgent crabmen of the Hlong Khaghee. When they appeared over 300 years ago, port cities facing the mainland disappeared. When trading companies searched for them, sailors described gleaming metal towers and white stone buildings built without mortar.

#worldbuilding #anexiletus #portanile

Last updated 2 years ago