Stuart Celarier · @VisualStuart
1322 followers · 2999 posts · Server

Hello Portland Jugglers! Outdoor summer juggling at Reed beings tonight and runs through late August. Wednesdays 7-9 PM, Reed College, lawn on the west side of Performing Arts Building. Use the parking lot off of SE 28th between Woodstock and Steele.

#juggling #jugglers #portlandjugglers

Last updated 1 year ago

Stuart Celarier · @VisualStuart
158 followers · 274 posts · Server

When the pandemic hit, I started teaching juggling class for on Zoom and that was hard and so different from being in person. It also meant that the college class was no longer a meeting place for all the and community that have been participating for 40+ years.

Then, on top of the pandemic, in February 2021, an ice storm destroyed both gyms at the college. That meant continued online juggling classes at Reed.

#ReedCollege #portlandjugglers

Last updated 2 years ago